Mod Challenge 02: Stay Safe!

Mar 14, 2020 20:36

Description: Prepare for safety! Comment here with something you have done (not something you will do) to keep you and/or your family safe through these ugh times. You may comment each item individually, or several at a time.

Examples- fill (soda or other) bottles with water and store them ( Read more... )

mc 02, user: blue_sunflowers, cycle 03, challenge, mod challenge, resources

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Comments 71

Q/C blue_sunflowers March 15 2020, 03:37:20 UTC

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Submit Land blue_sunflowers March 15 2020, 03:40:54 UTC

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RE: Submit Land mark_pierre March 21 2020, 08:13:25 UTC
RE: Submit Land catko March 31 2020, 04:21:07 UTC
Total points: 61

My Links (and points per link):

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Submit Sea blue_sunflowers March 15 2020, 03:42:01 UTC

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RE: Submit Sea chamilet March 15 2020, 16:39:21 UTC
RE: Submit Sea seraphina_snape March 21 2020, 18:43:43 UTC
RE: Submit Sea mravenwood March 21 2020, 20:12:28 UTC

chamilet March 15 2020, 16:37:33 UTC
What I did:
1.) Stocked up on canned goods
2.) Stocked up on frozen foods
3.) Prepared and froze crockpot meals
4.) Bought an extra pack of tp
5.) Bought extra food for kitty
6.) Set up Family group on FB to keep in touch with my family across the pond


mark_pierre March 21 2020, 08:13:13 UTC
I hope your kitty is an indoor type, so (s)he won't get crazy. Poor dogs don't understand what's going on... :/


chamilet March 21 2020, 17:44:48 UTC
Oh yes. I've always made my kitties indoor kitties (even the feral cat I adopted that I found while visiting my best friend). It's safer for them!

Some say that dogs are what caused this whole business. They just wanted to finally have their owners home all day:D

Unless you're under self-quarantine for potential exposure (or live in one of the places where everything is shut down), it's perfectly fine to go outside for a walk, so long as you practice social distancing if you should come upon someone else walking.


seraphina_snape March 21 2020, 18:22:23 UTC
I wish I had enough freezer space to actually freeze enough meals for a week or two.


mark_pierre March 21 2020, 08:09:30 UTC
What I did1. Stocked up frozen vegeatables and meat ( ... )


chamilet March 21 2020, 17:54:39 UTC
You're lucky you could fine canned tuna and meat! I'm going to buy some wine yeast since the only yeast I have has passed its expiration date. I'll see if it's still alive, but just in case.

I'm hoping at some point people will stop hoarding and I can restock my tuna supply. Luckily I already had some frozen meat in the chest freezer!

(Don't forget to put your point count beside the link for your entry)


mark_pierre March 21 2020, 19:44:01 UTC
Well, big supermakets are almost deserted now, so I had no problems with supplies... except for latex gloves that used to be available at Lidl.
*swears at people*

*adds points*


chamilet March 21 2020, 22:27:52 UTC
Latex gloves, alcohol wipes and clorox/lysol wipes are still impossible to find. Luckily, one store was rationing and although they are a more pricey store, we picked up two tubs of disinfectant wipes anyway.


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