Challenge 20: Autumn Ask Meme

Sep 18, 2019 10:31

I have prepared 40 questions related to Autumn and Halloween (taken from various tumblr ask memes and sometimes modified). Your challenge is to ask each other questions and answer them. :)


- Make a new comment saying that you want to play. (You can exclude questions you're uncomfortable with, if any.)

- Choose questions from the list and ask other members (one question per person).

- Answer the questions you get from others.

- In your team thread link the questions you asked and the replies you made. Use this form:

Questions I asked:

Questions I answered:


- You can always ask and answer more questions than you get points for. There are also no points for talking to each other further about your replies, but it's definitely encouraged! :)

The questions:
1. Favorite scary movie
2. Favorite Halloween (not necessarily scary) movie
3. Favorite character from a Halloween movie
4. Favorite Halloween episode of a tv show
5. Favorite Halloween costume you've worn
6. Halloween costume you want to dress as but haven’t yet
7. Your ultimate dream Halloween costume
8. Favorite spooky novel
9. Favorite scary video game
10. Favorite classic movie/book monster
11. Best memory from a past Halloween
12. Favorite Autumn drink
13. Favorite Autumn food/treat
14. What would you love to carve into a pumpkin?
15. Best pumpkin design you've ever carved/plan on carving
16. Do you do anything special for Halloween?
17. Do you enjoy bonfires, or have you ever attended one?
18. Favorite scary story or legend
19. Favorite Halloween candy
20. Do you like going to Halloween stores? Do you buy anything or just look around?
21. If you wear costumes, do you make your own costumes or purchase them?
22. Have you ever gone to a Haunted House attraction?
23. Have you ever gone to a corn maze?
24. Have you ever gone to a pumpkin patch?
25. What did you always wish you could dress up as when you were a kid?
26. Do you ever partake in a leaf pile jump?
27. What do you do on rainy days?
28. Tell a spooky campfire story (if you have one).
29. Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had an experience?
30. If you live in a climate where the trees change colors, do you like walking/driving around and looking at them?
31. Do you decorate your home for Halloween?
32. Do you hand out candy on Halloween, have/attend parties, or do something else?
33. If you could be any legendary monster, what would you be?
34. What's something you look forward to in Autumn?
35. If you could dress up as anyone/anything and pull it off absolutely flawlessly, who/what would it be?
36. If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be?
37. Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?
38. If you could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what spell would it be?
39. Favorite Autumn scent
40. Favorite Autumn activity


1 point for asking a question (up to 10 = 10 points)
6 points for answering a question (up to 5 = 30 points)

Total: 1-40 points

Due Date: Tuesday, October 15th, 23:59 GMT

guest host, meme, challenge, challenge 20, user: dance_the_dance, cycle 01

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