Challenge 6: Big Shot Showrunner Part 2 Test Audience

Sep 16, 2019 08:47

The Execs at Big Shot Productions have received your ideas for new shows but they are having a hard time choosing which ones to order. They decided to put them all in front of a test audience.

Description: In this part of the challenge you will vote for you the shows you would like to see produced and give feedback to other showrunners. This part is open to everyone. You can do this part even if you didn't do Part 1

Requirements Comment on 5 posts. Comment to your team thread with the links and your votes for your top 3 favorites.

List of Shows:

Points: 16 points total (10 points for 5 comments, 5 points for voting +1 for sigtag)
50 points first place, 25 points second place, 10 points third place

Due Date: October 1 Midnight Pacific

user: sidhe_faerie, challenge 06, challenge, cycle 01

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