Say my name, baby!

Jun 14, 2010 21:04

There's an old joke that goes something like this.

"How do you know a woman is having an orgasm? She screams out 'Oh God! Oh God!'
How do you know a woman is faking an orgasm? She screams out 'Oh [insert name of person you are telling the joke to]'"

It is, unsurprisingly, a joke I heard in my teens.

It also sprung to mind upon reading this:

Evidence to Suggest that Copulatory Vocalizations in Women Are Not a Reflexive Consequence of Orgasm.

From the abstract: ...while female orgasms were most commonly experienced during foreplay, copulatory vocalizations were reported to be made most often before and simultaneously with male ejaculation. These data together clearly demonstrate a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing orgasm and making copulatory vocalizations and indicate that there is at least an element of these responses that are under conscious control, providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behavior to their advantage.

Unsurprisingly, echidne noticed some of the interesting language choice here.

Since I don't have access to the study, I can't say more about how the researchers themselves actually frame it in their discussion.

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