There was a Goblin, or a Trickster, or a Warrior - soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the Cosmos.
-Nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it -- one day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
The first part of that is in the trailer, and apparently the second is in Radio Times or something.
I ask you to think carefully about the first part, the part we know will be said. Think of someone in the Doctor Who continuity who would fit that description.
We've had a recurring theme of what is only in the corner of your eye, or behind a perception filter, or simply obscured and mysterious.
We've had what appears to be the TARDIS exploding ripping cracks in time.
We've had a duck pond without any ducks.
River Song killed A Good Man.
We've had an appearance from someone who hates the Doctor so much.
We've been told History can be Unwritten.
And through it all we've had continual flashbacks of the Doctor's previous selves. Indeed, the First Doctor has been shown 4 times this season.
So look at that description.
Who is in the Pandorica.
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