May 12, 2008 10:16
I should update more often. When I go for a while without updating, I get back into questioning what I'm wanting to do with this journaling thing. One of these days, when I come up with a good answer, I'll probably post more often.
I had a good weekend, though, to chronicle one of my most common topics. Saturday was going out to the RenFest, despite the constantly-threatening rain. I managed to stave off the rain all by myself though, so it was fun. (I was, at least as far as I saw, the only one inside the gates carrying an umbrella. Thus, I singlehandedly managed to forestall any rain, at least until I left.) I bought the one thing I went in to buy (pants), though in a color different from the one I was planning. So now Cel will have a somewhat less stifling look that's the reverse of his normal look for colder weather. I also spent the rest of my economic stimulus payment on a pair of low-cut boots--or high-top shoes, maybe. I was looking at the lower-cut button boots, but there was nothing in any color combination I really wanted. Instead, I went cheaper and got the lace-up taller shoes, and those can even be worn with jeans or something. I bumped into various people, but fewer than in past years. I suspect I was just late, since most people I know had been there previously.
Oh, and I got a catapistol. It's a hand-held catapult with a pistol-like grip and a thumb trigger. Love it.
Sunday was beautiful. I got out my camp hammock and lugged it down to Hammond Park, where I set up and read. I considered Piedmont Park, but I would have taken MARTA there, and I decided against lugging the thing from the Midtown station to the park. Eventually, I packed the hammock up, then went home and set it up on the back balcony to take a nap. If I'd've remembered the fighting practice, I probably would have gone, but ... on the other hand, it was nice to have a day completely off. I meant to vacuum and dust some, but I'll do that tonight. Having a day off was great for my sanity's sake.
Of course, alll good things must come to an end, so I'm back in the office this morning, and already having to deal with demanding jerk clients who can't believe that the universe doesn't revolve around them. But I can still grin at the weekend, and launch marshmallows from my catapistol to make me feel better.