Jun 23, 2010 12:18
It's officially summer now - Summertime by Will Smith was on the radio.
Things I wonder:
1. Why academics are unable to clear mis-feeds from photocopiers. They are intelligent people, many of them have doctorates, and yet they are unwilling and unable to follow simple instructions regarding bits of paper.
2. Why no one thought to point out to JLS that the reason no one has referenced The Sound of Music before in a dance song is because it's a terrible idea. The club is alive with the sound of music, really lads?
3. I saw a student with a baseball cap on that had been turned to the side - is that in again? Have we moved on from retro 80s fashion to retro 90s? Why am I always really far behind with these things? Does that mean slap wraps and rubber bracelets will be fashionable again? I still have my black rubber bracelets - I might have unintentionally managed to be trendy.
4. What's going to happen in Doctor Who?!?!?!