Jun 16, 2010 10:15
Someone from the office did a Starbucks run earlier and I had a mocha frappachino (sp?)
I have a bit of a coffee buzz going on now. I don't know how much caffeine there actually is in a frappachino, it might not be much but my body responds to the merest suggestion of coffee - I get all bouncy on a small decaf latte - so I'm all zingyzingy now.
I should never, never drink Red Bull, the consequences would be terrifying.
The good thing is that the zingyzingy seems to have banished, or at least be hiding, the headache I can't quite seem to get rid off. No amount of tablets, chick lit, ignoring the housework and early nights can shift it; it feels like someone has over tightened a screw some where behind my right eye. Woe. Woe! Moar sympathy plz!
Possible new careers
Cheese tester
Secretary of the Bacon Appreciation Society
Professional tourist
ETA Does anyone else think that Lady Gaga's new song, Alejandro, sounds like Don't Turn Around by Aswad?
possible new career