Edward breaks the news to Riza... and Riza speaks with Alfons

Apr 15, 2006 01:47

[[*tosses out the song she used to make the channel name*]]

Somebody Stand by Me
Stevie Nicks

I stood at the door
And watched while you drove away,
Driving my car in the rain, in the dark.
Well, every dog seems to have her day.

I've been in this, alone so long,
And I'm begining to wonder why.
I stand in one place a different name -- a different face.
No one's gonna see me cry.

I need someone to stand by me,
Stand by me, just one time.
I hope somebody stands by me,
Stands by me, just one time.
I don't understand, it's slipping through these hands.
I think by now I know when to let go.
All I know is here I am, baby.
Won't you stand by me?

I'm not bending tonight,
But I'm twisted and turned and broken down.
But I'm starting to know the sound of something,
No one and yet everything.

Well if God is here tonight -- are you here tonight?
Maybe you could grab me up.
Stand me on my feet, give me strength,
Set me free.
I'm not giving in till I've had enough.

Riza> ::sitting back on her bed, trying to concentrate on the book she's holding and re-reading the same page a dozen times, a mostly-full pot of tea and an empty teacup forgotten on the nightstand beside her::

Ed> ::has no idea what he's doing, no idea how to do this, shouldn't he be talking to Alfons too, god, I hate you people. hate. walking over to her bedroom door, slowly and hesitantly- did he mention he haaaaates us? yeah.::

Riza> ... ::glancing away from her page toward the door, not lifting her head yet, sensing someone there, seeing his feet... looking up a little, trying to keep her eyes shuttered to keep the fear hidden, doing her damnedest to force a calm smile and a light tone:: Edward.

Ed> ::iiiiitty bitty smile that's nowhere near his eyes; oh god he doesn't wanna do this he doesn't wanna do this; holding his hands clasped firmly behind his back to keep them from shaking:: Hi. Mind if I talk to you for a few minutes?

Riza> ... ::is not going to panic, is not, is going to stay calm, trying to remember what all Al had told her (even if she's getting a twisty-knotted feel inside toward the worst, wondering if Jean would let her stay at least maybe a night for her to find a new place to live) closing her book and setting it aside:: ::clasping her hands on her lap, smile frozen in place, holding up that mask for all she's worth:: Not at all. ::keep it calm, pleasant, you don't need him, convince him of that, don't react, don't show anything::

Ed> ::that expression hurts. a lot. he takes a deep breath and steps into the room, closing the door behind him. Alfons is resting after one of his attacks, and he left a note by the bed for him so he wouldn't worry why nobody responded if he woke up. he has a few minutes here to take his time and make sure he doesn't say something -really- dumb:: ::taking a seat on the edge of the bed by her, not really looking at her yet- he just knows they'll want him to choose, he couldn't do that, that's like choosing between air and his heart beat. he simply -can't- do something like that to people he loves:: ... I really got us into a helluva situation, didn't I? ::WONDERFUL, ED. YOU'RE A GENIUS. but not with people interaction::

Riza> ... ::looking down at her hands:: ... ::closes her eyes:: It's all right, Edward. You had no way of knowing. It... it's all right.

Ed> ::looks away:: No, it's not. It's not, because the only way I can see out of this that won't get someone hurt, it's... it's not fair to ask of either of you.

Riza> ... You don't have to ask anything of me, Edward. ... You can't break a promise you're released from. I'll be fine. ::looking up at him, forcing a smile:: It's okay. ::nevermind the fact she's totally lying and it's taking everything she has and then some to stay calm and not start crying::

Ed> ::looks back at her... he knows that smile, he uses it so often himself; blinks and turns his gaze away quickly, hands shaking slightly:: N-no, it's... it's not, because... because I- I love you, too, and I'm... ::weak, bitter laugh:: I'm selfish enough that I don't want to have to choose. ::there. make it -his- fault rather than just a fear of hurting them- maybe she'll be less self-sacrificing about it. or... or hell, he doens't know.::

Riza> ... ::that look, that mask slips off and shatters, leaving behind an expression that's merely stunned for a few moments until her eyes get wet as her face crumples:: ~Me too?~ .... ::nope, can't formulate a reply right now, she's still caught on the 'you too' thing::

Ed> ::fists tightening on the bed at his sides:: And I can't ask either of you to put up with that kind of situation just for -me-. ::Ed, there's a difference between humility and -that-:: So... ::swallows tightly:: So I'll abide by whatever you two decide.

Riza> ... ... Wait. What. Go back a bit? I... I kinda lost track after you said me too... ::very brief, faint quirk of a hesitant smile, sniffles, trying so hard to keep that wetness in her eyes from escaping, voice thick and strained::

Ed> ::looks back over at her hesitantly... very hesitant, shy little quirk of his lips:: I-... I said I couldn't ask either of you to have to put up with a situation like that.

Riza> ... ... ... Y-you don't need... I... I know this... us... ... d-do... do you really...?

Ed> ::FEAR. FEAR FEAR FEAR. fear of rejection, fear of saying THE VERY WRONG THING right now, fear of hurting someone; pulls back a little:: Why would I say it if I didn't..? ::also, bright red- poooor Ed, bright blond coloring XD::

Riza> ... ::voice thick and cracking, wavering as this time, she loses at keeping those tears from escaping:: I-I-I thought I was j-just a placebo. Y-you had him back now... wh-... I... ::so much for being able to talk::

Ed> ::looks at the ground; he's not sure if this is a good or a bad reaction or -what-; kid's really ignorant about how things like this work XD;; shakes his head:: N-no, I... I wouldn't be this afraid of hurting you if you were.

Riza> This is- isn't just... s-some obligation talking?

Ed> ::looking at her like 'god please let this not have made anything worse, please'; shakes his head slowly::

Riza> ::her expression's -really- starting to crumple now, and her hands are shaking... but... a lot of the tension's gone from her shoulders, and that look of a sense of impending doom and dread that was in her eyes is gone::

Ed> ::it doesn't seem bad, but... ;_; it doesn't solve the -problem-... kinda shrinking in his clothes here, looking at the floor, hands clapsed tightly in front of him now:: I'm sorry... if this made anything harder. I... ::voice just managed to get -smaller- than it had been:: Last thing I want is anyone hurt.

Riza> ... ... ;_; ::iiiiiiiittybitty wee cracky voice, begging tone:: c'mere? ;_;

Ed> ::looks up at her... scoots closer to her:: I'm sorry if I've hurt you at all, Riza... ::man, when the guilt-switch gets flipped, there's just no end of it, is there?::

Riza> ::slipping her arms around him, clinging to him tightly, shaking:: I... I was... ... I expected you to ask me to leave.

Ed> ::blinks... hugs her tightly:: ;_; I told you, only way you're getting rid of me is if you don't want or need me anymore.

Riza> ... That doesn't mean the same thing and I didn't want you hold on to a promise wh-when you... ::voice cracking, sniffles:: you have someone you love back... I know what wanting that is like. ... I didn't... want to be just something you had to do... ... ::makes a sound, starting to say more but stops;:

Ed> ::holding her tightly, and his arms are shaking a little:: It means the same thing to -me-.

Riza> ::choking down tears, hugging him tighter, silent for a few minutes while she composes herself:: ... Al said you'd think of something... some way... wh-... what are you thinking?

Ed> ... ::letting her go, looking at her... then looks away:: I really can't think of anything besides.... something I couldn't ask of you or Alfons. It's... it's too selfish. So... I'll... ::this is killing him here ;_;:: I'll abide by your guys' decision.

Riza> ... ::pulling back a bit as he lets go, watching him...:: ... ;_; ... ::reaches out, hesitating a moment... then puts her hand on his cheek and leans closer, kissing him - very, very lightly, more a whisper of a kiss than anything else:: Talk to me...? ... please?

Ed> ::blinks... sorry, he can't even look her in the eye while trying to suggest this- again, Edward? There's humility. then there's this. this is really really sad:: There's... ::swallows tightly:: It's... it's called polyamory, when someone loves more than one person at a time and is with them both. It's... I've heard of it, met a few people while travelling like that, but... ::very faint shrug:: 's not something I can ask of you and Alfons.

Riza> ... ... ::laying her head on his shoulder:: ... We... ... have you asked him yet...?

Ed> ::tiny shake of his head:: He doesn't even know about you yet. He's been... trying to get used to things still. ::not a coward, wut::

Riza> ... ::okay, that stings a bit, but the fact he's suggesting something that would make revealing that -necessary- helps:: ... ... Then I suppose the choice is truly his... ... I... I'll leave if he prefers.

Ed> ... ::rests his forehead on her shoulder:: I'm sorry. ::no, no, his shoulders aren't shaking, he's not crying, whispering brokenly in German and English over and over again that he's -sorry-, not at all:: Es tut- tut mir Leid, 'm sorry, s-sorry leid mir leid...

Riza> ::isn't sure what all he's saying, but holds him tightly, sniffling, petting his hair:: Shhh, don't cry, Edward... don't... ;_; be happy, please. whatever happens, please be happy... for me, please? can you do that for me? ;_;

Ed> ::can't answer, just clings tighter to her- he never meant for any of this to happen, none of it, it makes him sick to hurt the people he loves, it kills him when it happens, so no... he can't answer, he can't just 'be happy' if someone ends up hurt, he can't.::

Riza> ::rocking slightly, petting his hair, holding onto him tightly:: I'll be okay, Edward, I promise. I'll be okay for you. If... if I have to leave, I promise I'll be okay.

Ed> I'm sorry, mir Leid, I'm sorry, Riza, I'm sorry. ::just... yeah, he's not STOPPING that -_-;;; ;_;::

Riza> ... ;_; ::pushing him back just a little and cupping his chin, making him look at her:: Edward? Don't apologize. I wanted to die the night you brought me back. You kept me from sinking. You kept me from falling apart long enough for me to stand again. ::no, she doesn't think for a moment Alfons would let her stay::

Ed> ::hands are just shaking like leaves; tries a couple times unsuccessfully to speak before he's able to even make sound:: I promised I -can't-... I don't know how... 'm sorry. ;_;

Riza> ... ... ::hugging him tightly, burying her face against his neck, petting his hair:: Shh... shh. It's going to be okay.

Ed> ::holding her tightly; doesn't want to let her go, doesn't want to let EITHER one of them go ;_; how'd he end up in this position?::

Riza> ... I love you. I'll help you find a way that won't hurt you.

Ed> 's you I don't want hurt. ;_; You an' him don't worry about me.

Riza> ... I... I'll talk to Alfons about this for you and discuss your offer with him. Trust me? <3

Ed> ... ::has he said he loves you? closes his eyes:: I should be the one to tell him. It's not fair to him... ::likes her idea though >_>;;; inwardly will admit it::

Riza> You also said this is a choice for him and I to make. I'll explain the situation to him. ... You're not the only protector here, Edward.

Ed> ::quiet a second, just keeping his breath even, then finally nods faintly:: All right.

Riza> ::turns her head, gently kissing his cheek, petting his hair:: ... ;_; ... For what it's worth... I... ... I hope I get to stay.

Ed> ... ;_; ::grabs one of her hands and holds it tightly:: I love you.

Riza> I know. ... thank you. ;_; <3 Thank you for everything you've given me.

Ed> ::god, why does this feel like it's a goodbye? ;_; just... clinging to her hand, trying to force a smile for her and it's coming out all broken::

Riza> ::smiles gently, if a little sad, her eyes are dry now though... if maybe a little brighter than usual:: ... ::rests her hand on his cheek and kisses him softly, resting her forehead on his::

Ed> ::kisses her gently, lips lingering just above hers, like he's not really wanting to end the kiss::

Riza> ::opening her eyes, kissing him again after a moment, just... very soft and tender, watching him::

Ed> ::kissing her softly, slipping an arm around her to hold her tightly, just... clinging to her, unwilling to let go::

Riza> ::lays her head on his shoulder, snuggling closer to him, letting him into a position of doing the holding now::

Ed> ::holding her tightly- just... yeah, not letting go. for anything::

Riza> ::clinging to him a bit, just breathing... and all too aware that depending on what Alfons says... this could very well be the last time he'll be able to hold her::

Ed> ::yeah, he knows. why do you think he's not willing to let go of her right now?::

[[And another song that got linked to at the end of the RP :D]]

Hands to Heaven

As I watch you move across the moonlit room,
There's so much tenderness in your loving.
Tomorrow I must leave, the dawn knows no reprieve.
God give me strength when I am leaving.

So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday.
Tonight, I need your sweet caress,
Hold me in the darkness.
Tonight, you calm my restlessness.
You relieve my sadness.

As we move to embrace, tears run down your face.
I whisper words of love, so softly.
I can't believe this pain, it's driving me insane.
Without your touch, life will be lonely.

So raise your hands to heaven and pray
That we'll be back together someday.
Tonight, I need your sweet caress.
Hold me in the darkness.
Tonight, you calm my restlessness.
You relieve my sadness.

Morning has come, another day.
I must pack my bags and say goodbye.

[[Tag someday_to_you in comments for Riza to come find him. And the mun's perfectly welcome to let him take his time and need to think about everything before he agrees to anything one way or another. *g*]]

ed, ic storyline, log

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