Sep 15, 2009 01:17
I've found myself slightly consumed as of late with the idea of going to church. I keep putting it off, much like my grad school application. Yet this idea does not bring me overwhelming amounts of stress. I think I found a church I want to try out, perhaps this weekend. I think I'm becoming one of "them". I'm not particularly bothered.
It's definitely not the only thing in my life, but my faith is one of my rocks. It's unshakeable, and it is something I can turn to when I feel down or particularly happy or feel nothing at all. Many people do not understand how I feel about Coheed and Cambria, just as I am sure many don't understand my faith. But these feelings are mine, they make me whole, they make me who I am. No one can change that. It's just a good feeling to know that I have plan and that God is guiding me. It feels good to enjoy a wonderful day and know who to thank. I want more of this in my life right now. I can't determine a distinct reason why, but I'm sure it's all for the best.
My feeling kind of is that my extreme uncertainly and stress concerning my future is causing me to seek that which in my life is stable, such as God, my family, my good friends, and Coheed. I need something dependable in other areas when I cannot depend upon myself. It makes me anxious even thinking about this. Perhaps that is a very bad sign. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I just feel odd going to a new church by myself. It's not as if it would be an environment of unwelcome, but it's always the unknown that frightens me. Every church has its own code of decorum and conduct. It's not easy switching.