the TUMB vehicle curse.

Sep 17, 2010 20:34

Late August, my car gets flood damage from a big storm. Got the runaround at the shop i took it to, still dealing with some gearshifting issues, blah blah.

about a week ago now, Amanda is driving Mark's car and runs it through a large puddle during a storm and water gets into the engine, car no longer runs. Engine is ruined, car is currently in Baton Rouge getting repaired, they probably won't have the car for another week or so.

today after practice, Michael, new color guard instructor, gets into a car accident. Guy turning at the same time as him on opposite sides, hits his driver side door, not hard, but enough that the driver side door is smashed up.

quite a vehicle run for the staff. Barry's turn next.

work, life, synchronicity

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