First night in the new home

Feb 23, 2013 21:56

Well, I'm here.  I'm utterly exhausted, but I'm here.

1000 sq ft, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, washer and dryer to be installed on Monday.

There's a few things I don't care for here.  The kitchen cabinets are too tall for me, so I'll have to keep a step ladder in there.  The way the blinds are hung means I can't hang my drapes.  I'm probably going to have to buy a pantry cabinet for the kitchen as well, and maybe one of those little prep carts.  Also, the lease requires no smoking indoors.  Ok, I understand that this is becoming the norm.  I can think of several reasons not to allow smoking indoors.  I'm also determined to get back OFF of the stupid cigs.  I felt like SUCH an idiot for starting up again after I was doing so well!  At the same time, yeah, I'm renting, but I don't like being told what to do.  That just bugs me a little.  That and a couple of other hiccups in the process of signing the lease had Cw ready to tell me to just forget it.

Otherwise, it's a nice place.  It's spacious, to say the least.  I could fit twice the furniture I have into the living room.  My bedroom is just plain massive and one of the bathrooms is off of it.  That one has only a shower stall, but that's ok because I don't take actual baths anyway except on the very rare occasion.

Plusses against the old place; the hot water comes from my own water heater, so I have instant hot water and I don't have to worry about a boiler that is supposed to somehow service 6 buildings.  There's an actual dining room, so I don't loose space to the table and chairs.  And, lest I forget the best part, there seem to be NO roaches here!  (Yes, that is me having a party over that single fact!)

Also, it's written into the lease that they inspected for bedbugs and found no sign of them, which is good given the way things have been with bedbugs lately.  If I ever do see any, all I have to do is tell the office and they'll take care of it.  The old place had a tidbit that if I ever had them, I'd have to handle them.

So far, it's quiet.  The patio (I'm on the ground floor) opens out to a central courtyard with a pool.  Since the lease forbids smoking indoors, I went out for a smoke earlier and heard a couple of guys somewhere in the courtyard who were working out the music for a song with a guitar.  Their singing and playing were actually pretty good, so once I get settled I'll have to check them out.  By now, I'd be hearing the neighbors fighting and screaming, and all I hear is that the upstairs neighbor apparently has a great sound system.  I can't tell if it's a movie or if they're playing a game though, I only hear the random rumbling sound very faintly.  Once I'm settled and watching a movie or playing music, I doubt I'll hear that even.

I talked to Cw about the odd, conflicted feelings I had about leaving the old place.  I told him about how I was sad because J won't know where I am, and that means that he's really part of a closed chapter in my life.  I told him that at the same time, if J HAD shown up, it wouldn't have gone well.  I'd have likely just gone off on him for bothering me.  He understood completely.  No jealousy, no fear of me going back looking for J, nothing like that, just plain understanding about how that felt, to have that sense of sadness about things.  He was really fantastic about it, and yet again managed to show me that he's really this amazing man I see, and that I'm not just projecting what I want to see there.

Oh! I was also stressed to death about money.  Yes, I had the money for the move and all that stuff.  But, the way it was going to pan out was that I get paid on the first, pay a full month of rent then... then I thought I'd have to pay rent again in 2 weeks just so I wouldn't be late in April.  I was looking things over and checked out the calendar and saw that NO!  I get paid three times next month!  I'll pay rent next week, have the usual early/mid-month check for utilities, and then rent again on the 3rd check which then puts me exactly back onto the usual schedule I use for paying rent and utilities!  Talk about a relief.  I realized that and wanted to go straight to bed!

Speaking of bed, yeah, that's probably a smart idea for me about now.  I'm totally worn out.  I started the day feeling like I was trying to get an ulcer, just from all the stress.  Mentally, emotionally and physically, I'm shot.  I'm just going to crawl into some blankets and see what I can do about sleeping.

Which is, for the record, another mile stone for me.  I have never spent the first night in a new place on my own.  I've always had someone who stayed with me.  Either a friend or boyfriend would come over and keep me company for the first night with all the "new place" sounds and such.  Tonight, I am alone.  It's a little odd... but really, I'm so tired I don't think I care!  I'm sure that Cw would have stayed tonight if I'd said something, but really, he's spent so much time with me lately, and had so little time for Nw, I would feel bad having him here anyway.  He and Nw are going to spend tonight and tomorrow for just one another, and I hope that they have a chance to really enjoy and appreciate one another for being the awesome people that they are, and a time to enjoy their own relationship without interruptions.  But that's getting into compersion and that's another post for a time when I'm not blinking at the screen and trying to get a straight thought out!

Maybe in the morning I'll run down the amusing moments from the move.

relationships, compersion, nerves, moving, real life, understanding, night, communication

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