"MR Loh!!!!"

Mar 11, 2023 09:05

So yesterday, I finally completed by 7th High Key ICT, my 10th overall ICT and apparently 12th ORNS activity. This means that I now move on to the Military Reserves, and I will no longer be required to come back for active service.

It is kind of bittersweet. Everything is done. Not really sure how to go about celebrating this milestone too.

This reservist, it was kind of nice to get marksman for the combat group shooting - As a group of six, we managed an average score of about 26-27. My contribution to the shots was slightly lower at 25, but considering that's after missing a full shot, it was pretty good all things considered. In any case, marksman is 24, and lowest was 23, from XF who was in the same group as me.

For this last cycle, we took many photos! With the company standing down with so many personnel being assigned to MR, everyone was probably experiencing the same feelings; glad to be done, yet kind of wondering if we will still be able to keep the same friendships going. For those yet to be put under MR, they will be assigned to different companies based on their remaining cycles. So any remaining personnel will be split further. It remains to see if we will continue to see each other outside.

So many things to contemplate, yet hard to put into words.

What's left for me:
- Finish my Emart credits before this month ends
- Complete my IPT  (not really required but I will take it)
- Let my stuff sit in a corner until 40, then dispose at SAFRA once my NS obligations are finally over
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