Quotebook fun

Jun 27, 2004 04:49

Got Quotebook?

Unfortunately, I haven't updated the online version of the Quotebook in quite a while, and it's faster for me to just type them in here, rather than dealing with AOL Hometown (aka satan's minions). So, enjoy some select recent additions to the quotebook that still make me laugh out loud, even when I'm alone....

"I'm wearing my FUN shirt." -Sarah (stitchedupsally)

Luke (excited): It's 25 degrees out!
Di (also excited): Yeah, I know, it's warm out!

"I've never been here without Jamie before. YES! Now I can DRINK!" - stitchedupsally at Jose Tejas on Mardi Gras

"Let meat more delicious!" - on a bottle of soy sauce at Golden East Garden

Di: Excuse me, I'm looking for a book, do you have it?
Laurie: No! Go to Barnes & Noble and get out of my life!

"Jew-Bu's...you know, Jewish Buddhists." - Marisa

"Mr. Seatbelt, please eat your friend." - stitchedupsally

"Peanut butter gooey la-la with ice cream segregation." - stitchedupsally's title for our HRC Hunka Hunka Chocolate Banana Love

"That's not Bowery!? You mean we just stood on the island for NOTHING!?!?!?!?!" - Di

"Check out those boobs...naked lady. With no arms." - coasterjj

"There is a time and a place for nudity. And that is Rider University." - squishygirl

"No one is BORN a vegetarian, Jamie!" - codymah

Di: Homosexuality is...
codymah: On the go!

"Now I have animated virus porn on my computer!" - stitchedupsally

Di: You don't eat red meat? That's the first step, you know.
stitchedupsally: That's the ONLY step.

Di: Won't you please give this seat to the elderly or disabled?
falindrems: If there were any elderly or disabled....midgets.

"The man killed a duck with his FACE. You've got to respect someone that can do that." - Didgeridoo

Di: I'm not catholic.
Didgeridoo: Well I dunno, you know when Ash Wednesday is!
Di: Yeah! It's the day after MARDI GRAS!

"All of these places only had one pair!" - Chris

Di: He (wolfiegoatjerk) thought your name was Cat.
Allison: Cat?? Well...he was wearing a helmet.

Dad: D-R-A-U-G-H-T...droot? drat? draget?...
Allison: DRAFT...that's how it's spelled.
Dad: Wha...?
Allison: Welcome to the English language!
Di: Ain't it great?
Dad: Where's my beer?

::Allison gestures to the place in front of herself at the table:: MEAT!
::Allison gestures to the place in front of Di at the table:: BROCCOLI!

Jared (to Di): BREATHE!
Didgeridoo: NO! Stop breathing! That's what got you into trouble in the first place!

::Di opens breakroom door, almost hitting Bruce::
Di: Woah!
Bruce: WOAH!
Didgeridoo: When vegans collide!

And now...sleep.
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