7. "Weird, different, or tick me off." I'd love to know his definitions for these words. I can see him rattling off the "N" word a few times. Different, huh. I'm sorry, I don't usually see people looking, thinking and acting EXACTLY like each other in this country, minus the dunderheads like Rooney. What ticks you off, Rooney? The fact that maybe your little white world is getting stepped on by people who deserve to be here just as much as you do? And David, I'm as tolerant as they come. EXCEPT when shit like this is written.
8. Wow, that was an easy "figure" to spit out! Considering that "figure" is completely false, and it's in our American culture to fear, loathe and oppress people of other races, it's a small fuckin' wonder racial profiling exists. BECAUSE IT DOES. We're petrified of other races! Admit it!
9. Okay, that IS gross to think about that old fuck doing anything remotely sexual. And isn't it in our *GASP* constitution that we have the *GASP* right to privacy?! Look that one up for me David, I hear you're good with "facts."
10. HELLO. NOT EVERYONE ON THE PLANET SPEAKS ENGLISH YOU DUMBASS. We don't own the world, and neither does our culture. I'm sure Rooney's ancestors weren't Native Americans and his ancestors spoke some other language. So he can SHUT THE FUCK UP.
11. Come over here and mess up our country? Oh, you mean like your ancestors did when they left their oppressed, poverty-stricken lives to enter "The Land of Opportunity"? Fuck you. And NOT ALWAYS is a criminal of another race or being belligerent to police. Hell, I was arrested for being belligerent! And I'm the whitest white girl EVER. And David, yes, you should respect the Vets from World War II. Because that was the last war fought that was WORTH FIGHTING. The rest were lies.
12. Hey, guess what! That machine counting the votes was being opperated by someone with A POLITICAL AFFILIATION and probably an intent to skew the outcome. Fuck Florida, man. David, shut up, you didn't even vote in the last election, okay? You were 15. And WAAAAHHHH yourself, Bush lost and you people just CAN'T except the fact that the American people DIDN'T WANT HIM IN OFFICE.
13. Reverse discrimination?! Holy shit, forget getting laid, I'm not talking to you anymore ... Do you even realize how much PRIVLEDGE you have being a white male? DO YOU?! AHHHHHHH! *Runs screaming into the night*
14. David. Bush and dear ol' daddy PUT THOSE DICTATORS IN POWER IN ORDER TO MAKE PROFIT OFF OF THEM. Jezum H. Crackers, PICK UP A BOOK AND READ! And NO, not "Treason". The UN is not Communist based at all either. And you're right, it's NOT our responsibility to solve problems, but we sure as hell act like it when there's profit to be made, don't we?
15. I have no idea what he's trying to prove with his little wrestling analogy. Moron.
16. I'm sorry, self-righteous? Is that what they're calling liberals these days? Why no adjective for the conservatives? Like "misinformed money grubbing scum suckers"? And I would kick the shit out of any Hell's Angel.
17. Bill Gates. America's nerd. Owning that much money is disgusting, I don't care how you made it. Ew. Throw some my way Bill, I'm broke and unemployed. WHOA, guess I'm just a crack addict who spews out babies, HUH?!
18. Yeah Andy! Abuse IS the answer! Come over here so I can break my foot off in your ass for being a bad little boy.
19. My piercing is quite sanitary, thanks. Wanna play games? How about those old people who cough on EVERYTHING and suck at driving? STAY OFF MY ROAD before I shove your wheel-chaired ass down a flight of stairs.
20. Too bad that they wouldn't be BLACK if they DIDN'T HAVE AFRICAN DECENT. PLUS why on EARTH would they want to be considered Americans, after they forced them to be slaves for centuries, beat them, tortured them, killed them and STILL oppress them to this day? Gee, I wouldn't want the word "American" in my title if that shit happened to my family. And I'm sure you wouldn't either. Yeah David. Quite the "logical" thinker ...
8. Wow, that was an easy "figure" to spit out! Considering that "figure" is completely false, and it's in our American culture to fear, loathe and oppress people of other races, it's a small fuckin' wonder racial profiling exists. BECAUSE IT DOES. We're petrified of other races! Admit it!
9. Okay, that IS gross to think about that old fuck doing anything remotely sexual. And isn't it in our *GASP* constitution that we have the *GASP* right to privacy?! Look that one up for me David, I hear you're good with "facts."
10. HELLO. NOT EVERYONE ON THE PLANET SPEAKS ENGLISH YOU DUMBASS. We don't own the world, and neither does our culture. I'm sure Rooney's ancestors weren't Native Americans and his ancestors spoke some other language. So he can SHUT THE FUCK UP.
11. Come over here and mess up our country? Oh, you mean like your ancestors did when they left their oppressed, poverty-stricken lives to enter "The Land of Opportunity"? Fuck you. And NOT ALWAYS is a criminal of another race or being belligerent to police. Hell, I was arrested for being belligerent! And I'm the whitest white girl EVER. And David, yes, you should respect the Vets from World War II. Because that was the last war fought that was WORTH FIGHTING. The rest were lies.
12. Hey, guess what! That machine counting the votes was being opperated by someone with A POLITICAL AFFILIATION and probably an intent to skew the outcome. Fuck Florida, man. David, shut up, you didn't even vote in the last election, okay? You were 15. And WAAAAHHHH yourself, Bush lost and you people just CAN'T except the fact that the American people DIDN'T WANT HIM IN OFFICE.
13. Reverse discrimination?! Holy shit, forget getting laid, I'm not talking to you anymore ... Do you even realize how much PRIVLEDGE you have being a white male? DO YOU?! AHHHHHHH! *Runs screaming into the night*
14. David. Bush and dear ol' daddy PUT THOSE DICTATORS IN POWER IN ORDER TO MAKE PROFIT OFF OF THEM. Jezum H. Crackers, PICK UP A BOOK AND READ! And NO, not "Treason". The UN is not Communist based at all either. And you're right, it's NOT our responsibility to solve problems, but we sure as hell act like it when there's profit to be made, don't we?
15. I have no idea what he's trying to prove with his little wrestling analogy. Moron.
16. I'm sorry, self-righteous? Is that what they're calling liberals these days? Why no adjective for the conservatives? Like "misinformed money grubbing scum suckers"? And I would kick the shit out of any Hell's Angel.
17. Bill Gates. America's nerd. Owning that much money is disgusting, I don't care how you made it. Ew. Throw some my way Bill, I'm broke and unemployed. WHOA, guess I'm just a crack addict who spews out babies, HUH?!
18. Yeah Andy! Abuse IS the answer! Come over here so I can break my foot off in your ass for being a bad little boy.
19. My piercing is quite sanitary, thanks. Wanna play games? How about those old people who cough on EVERYTHING and suck at driving? STAY OFF MY ROAD before I shove your wheel-chaired ass down a flight of stairs.
20. Too bad that they wouldn't be BLACK if they DIDN'T HAVE AFRICAN DECENT. PLUS why on EARTH would they want to be considered Americans, after they forced them to be slaves for centuries, beat them, tortured them, killed them and STILL oppress them to this day? Gee, I wouldn't want the word "American" in my title if that shit happened to my family. And I'm sure you wouldn't either. Yeah David. Quite the "logical" thinker ...
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