Slash bunny to give away

Jan 18, 2008 18:40

I'm pretty strictly a gen writer, and busy with 5+ works in progress in LoM at the moment, and Sam/Gene doesn't do a thing for me. Yet occasionally my brain will give birth to slash bunnies that are, at least, interesting to me on an intellectual level, even if they don't 'turn me on' (or at least the slash aspect of them doesn't). So, since that has just happened again, and I think this bunny really is worthy of being written, I'm giving it away - if anybody wants it, that is.

The basics: Gene and Sam discover an attraction to each other; both have problems acknowledging it, and then find it difficult to act on it, and to keep acting on it etc. (although they eventually do). Gene's reaction is the expected one: he's trying to keep it all deep in the closet. Sam's reaction, though, is - after the initial confusion etc. has been overcome - a more 21st century one: acceptance, followed by a desire to, well, 'accelerate' society's development a bit. So - possibly 'inspired' by a case involving rampant prejudice? - he gets involved with LGBT rights activism, little by little. With all the inevitable complications that implies. (And yes, I do know there wasn't a lot of that kind of activism in Britain in 1973 - but with the process of acceptance taking both of them a while, it would probably be '74/'75 before Sam would be ready for anything like that, anyway, and by then there must have been *some*, surely? If probably not much. Or, hey, Sam could act as a catalyst... *g*)

Requires maximum realism (psychological and historical), probably quite a lot of research. Will probably need to be novella-length at least, because of the number of issues that are likely to develop. (You see why I don't want to write this myself? I'm busy enough with my own epic research monster... *g*)

*Bonus points* for keeping it non-2.08-positive or at least 2.08-neutral ;-) - alternative universe would be nice ("2.08 never happened" - could be combined with turning suppressed homosexuality/bisexuality into the main 'issue' that needs to be resolved for Sam to wake up?); or if it has to be post-2.08, it would be nice if it didn't imply too strongly that jumping off that f*****g roof was the best decision he ever made. (Yes, personal hang-up there. But hey, it's my bunny, and *ideally* I would like to be able to read it without getting all pissed off again. Then again, I do realise that as soon as I give it away, it stops being 'my' bunny, so ultimately - do what you want with it. As I said: bonus points. Not required. Just would be nice. *g*)

fic plot bunnies

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