Artathon 2014: Bon Appétit!, white cortina, for fiypup, by little_cello

Sep 30, 2014 13:32

Title: Bon Appétit!
Artist: little_cello
Recipient: fiypup
Rating: White Cortina
Character: Sam
Summary: What better thing to do after a long day of work than to cook a nice meal?
Notes: Here you go, fiypup - my artathon piece for you, using your prompt "Sam, cooking after work, warm atmosphere". I had a hard time choosing, to be honest, because ALL OF YOUR PROMPTS WERE SO NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE (I even kinda sorta filled " Sam, 2006, blue suit" heh;;;). But yes - this was great fun to work on, and a nice challenge for myself on top of that (detailed background/foreground, ho!), and besides you are a wonderful artist, and I was really happy that I got to draw for you. :') I really hope you like it! <33333333333333333333

And some detail shots:

Unexpected amounts of fun were had drawing and colouring these spaghetti!

And of course Sammy. <3

Special cameo appearance of my very own special pasta recipe!

fic type: gen, rating: white cortina, character: sam, genre: character study, artathon 2014, fanart

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