Title: I’m a Stranger here myself.
Author: DrayceVixen
Characters: A few.
Rating: Pale green Cortina.
Warnings: Yes, these are bad idea jeans I’m wearing.
Word Count: (2158 words)
Notes: Written for the 2008 Ficathon.
Prompt: #40 Time travel, unreliable narration, minor characters (like Leonard! or Gwen!) being given some prominence.
I'm a
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Comments 74
Thank you very much for the kind words. :D
Sometimes my brain just gets hijacked by an odd idea and, well... I wasn't terribly confident that anyone would recognize Wells' Time Traveller. Here, have some pink wafers! I'd have offered you my first born, but I seem to have forgotten to have children. *g*
I am not sure I can add anything different than what everyone else has said, so I will stick with that this is just wonderful! I absolutely loved it.
P.S. loved the description of Sam and Gene 'hammering out a productive working relationship' :)
My stomach's been tied in knots over this one, fearing no one would "get it," particularly with the whole literary mimic bit... how many people have *really* read the book?
I couldn't resist the hammering... a little something for the Vixen. *eg*
I also loved all the {notes for future reference} - quite, quite briliant :D
I have read it (along with a few of HG Wells' other short stories), although it was some time ago now. His 'Time Traveller' is never named, is he?
No, he's never named... I really think Wells had a sort of Everyman in mind.
This is inspired. Witty, captures the tone of the Time Traveller perfectly - and the paragraph about Sam & Gene hammering out their differences made me sporfle mightily.
I really enjoyed this. Thank you!
Thanks Petal! ♥
And you're welcome, as ever. *g*
Oh hey, there's a bunny for you...
Dr. Watson eh? He didn't leap immediately to mind for a Time Travel prompt, but then again The Time Machine probably shouldn't have either. *g*
Thank you for reading. :D
But honestly, Watson would be great to dump in here... He's used to solving crimes. Sam would think he'd died and gone to heaven, having somebody who is used to looking for evidence and motives.
See, that's an interesting thought because I never think of Watson as solving crimes. As Holmes' personal Boswell, he's the one who records the cases and does as Holmes tells him to do, but he's not the consulting detective. I *have* written somewhat drunken *cough* comment fic where Holmes moved in on Gene's turf, but that's a disaster of a different colour. *g*
His vision of 1973 England is great, and yes, as much as I know XIX Century wasn't such a joyous time, the chap has a point there.
And his following notes! *laughs*
Also, Sam and Gene efforts to conceal their disagreements? Love it!
And, of course, your last line is just perfect.
If this is what happens when you use your bad idea jean I'm willing to buy you the whole manufacturing plant.
I just thought as much as 1973 is a shock to Sam's PC sensibilities, it would be an equal shock to a Victorian gentleman's sense of decorum too.
*blushes* Thank you very much for reading Petal, I'm so glad you liked it! ♥
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