Title: I’m a Stranger here myself.
Author: DrayceVixen
Characters: A few.
Rating: Pale green Cortina.
Warnings: Yes, these are bad idea jeans I’m wearing.
Word Count: (2158 words)
Notes: Written for the 2008 Ficathon.
Prompt: #40 Time travel, unreliable narration, minor characters (like Leonard! or Gwen!) being given some prominence.
I'm a
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Oh hey, there's a bunny for you...
Dr. Watson eh? He didn't leap immediately to mind for a Time Travel prompt, but then again The Time Machine probably shouldn't have either. *g*
Thank you for reading. :D
But honestly, Watson would be great to dump in here... He's used to solving crimes. Sam would think he'd died and gone to heaven, having somebody who is used to looking for evidence and motives.
See, that's an interesting thought because I never think of Watson as solving crimes. As Holmes' personal Boswell, he's the one who records the cases and does as Holmes tells him to do, but he's not the consulting detective. I *have* written somewhat drunken *cough* comment fic where Holmes moved in on Gene's turf, but that's a disaster of a different colour. *g*
Well, it's Holmes (and Watson's own unreliable narration) that puts the down on Watson's own abilities. The very fact that some of Holme's method has rubbed off on him would make him a godsend to Sam!
*is tempted*
This was brilliant, Drayce, and I have no idea how you could have thought differently.
I love how Oswald thinks it's a disagreement Sam and Gene are hiding from their men. *g*
I was also worried that the person who requested it would hate it.
Thanks for reading! ♥
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