Oct 03, 2004 12:17
Wow! Well, I'm really tired, but I'm not really tired anymore, at least not physically. Mentally I'm dead. lol The last 2 days have been a complete blur. I got 4 hours of sleep on Friday night after getting back to the school from a debate tournament. Then I had to get up at 5 to go back to the school to go back to Edmond North to debate again...... God their school is so huge! I'm so envious now! lol It completely rocked. I got 2nd place and I was so happy. I don't really know how I did it though, but oh well. So this is my 1 free day which I get to spend doing hw, but hey it's all good, because in 3 days I'm leaving for Colorado! I'm so excited. I need a break so bad! I wanna go on a hike while it's snowing and see everything just covered in white. That would be truly beautiful in my eyes. I also want to make snow angels and s'mores. Both of which completely rock! lol God, I had this weird dream last night and I think it was an omen that like Mt. St Helens is definitely gonna blow. I just feel that it will do that. Whatever, so back to the point. I had a wonderful weekend and met so many new people, one of which I hate because I was abused in the round. lol But it did really rock, and we'll see if I'm still here after a hopefully good fall break!!!