Jul 19, 2006 18:05
Water War, day 2. It started out typically enough; the kids were in their swimsuits and I was spraying them with the sprinkler they had dubbed the "evil lasers" when the urge came over me to attack Chris. With Cate's encouragement, I quickly moved into attack mode and ran after him, dousing him pretty good if I do say so. I expected some retaliation, but had no idea what I was about to face. Thanks again to me being more feeble than a 15 year old boy I lost control of the hose and had about an hour of it sprayed in my face. Somehow the kids started to think it was fun to get me wet too, and I was soon chased around by several watter bottles and a vengeful teenager with a hose. When water wasn't pouring into my ears all I could hear was his snickering laughter and "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this to you ha!" At the end I regained power briefly, and it was enough to get him equally soaked. Like drowned rats we rounded up the kids into a game of musical chairs/let the counselors recover and ring their shirts and shorts out. Today at the lake I was able to find a little girl that was willing to hug Chris right after she came dripping out of the water. Somehow he knew she was sent by me, and he rebutted in an attempt to get kids to throw their water at me, but in the end we both got it and I consider that a win as I was not wearing shoes and well, I just win. One of our bosses thought it would be funny to empty a plastic crate full of ice over my head, but it was so hot that I welcomed the momentary relief. All I know is that next week is water fun week, and on Friday they are setting up a massive slip and slide type thing on a huge hill, and Chris won't even know what freakin' hit him.