Its what we dont say that means the most

Jan 24, 2007 00:53

When you speak to someone what you say is less than 30% of what they take. You can say, "I'm fine" that tells you absolutely nothing. Let's analyze.

"I'm fine"

these words would tell someone literally (if taken alone) that the other person is fine.

but what about the tone of voice:
was the person angry? that would lead to a contradiction between what was said and what the voice is telling the reciever. 
was the person happy? that would lead to a congruence of the words and body.
in the example where the person was angry the words contradicted the tone. in real life what would a normal person do? they wouldnt believe the words. which means that words were pointless in this scenario...

but what about the body?
there is so much about the body that can tell you what the other person is thinking. 
but for our example lets say that you see a gash in the persons chest. would you believe the words?
how about something less obvious... the persons skin is flushed, they're breathin heavily and sweatin, their pupils are dialated...
again the words are useless.... it tells us nothing, or at least not what it was meant to tell us. the action of trying to lie about being fine is something else...

Im in love with nonverbal communication. Its so powerful and EVERYBODY does it. Its ridiculous how little people can accurately determine the signs of another person tho. this example was pretty straight foward but the body and subconsious are so connected that you give away so much even when you dont mean to. there is always going to be communication when two people are together. especially when they arent saying anything.... why arent they talking? they could be mad...they could be tired...they could be shy....they might not know each other... but the point is that if you can read the body language you would be able to get it. how are they standing? are their arms crossed (defensive)? are they even facing each other (familiarity)? are their feet pointed at each other (attraction)? are they both guys and constantly adjusting their crotch (dominant male)? so much is "said" when nothing is being said...

I think this is why i wanna major in communication. I love this kind of stuff...its fascinating...its amazing... its fun. But above all else...if i can understand it... i have control over it. I can let other people know what i want them to know... because even if they dont get it conciously, i am apealling to his subconsious. Thats why we get hunches that people are lying...or that there is something beyond what they just told us. Its powereful.

soo.... i think i found my major :D
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