
Jan 01, 2007 17:55

Since this seems to be easier and Microsoft word is being all gay on me :(...idk whats up with it but i cant be on it for more than five seconds before it goes all non-responsive on me... it bites...cause I've learned no to trust online things when I want to write a long message. oh well...at least LJ is better at saving drafts and such. I just haven't used it all that much :/ I havent logged on to LJ for the longest time...I read up on everything tho...I feel bad not keeping in touch after I read all your guys posts.

But congratz Claudia on the Camera :D You really sound like you're in love with it ;P I wish I could take pictures like you. That would be pretty fun :) Maybe I should take a photography class...I always love sitting in Borders looking at pictures and stuff... and I hate not being able to do, or not even trying to do something that I love to look at. I wanna be someone taking pictures instead of looking at them all the time :) But then again...the problem with the hobbies that are fun is that they can get pretty expensive. haha...like paintball...soo much fun but soo much money...that I need to save for something else :/

It sucks...I checked my grades today...yea, a little late I know but  w/e... ;P haha... and i got a B in my ENG101 class... :( idk why... I did so well on the essays and stuff :S i wonder if that one packet i didnt do was worth alot... that sucks... eh...w/e i have a 3.52 GPA or something like that...and Im only taking 4 class next semester AND they're not early either :D yay for sleeping in... I wonder what happened to my honors scholarship :S I hope i still have it... not that it would be a big deal if i didnt keep it...that just means i need to spend my money...I hate doing that on boring things like taxes and school books...eww... haha. meh...w/e Olive ;P hahah <3

So I need a job for this semester...but thats going to be killer if Im going be doing TKD still (which I still am). PLUS I wanna start on my helicopter pilots license stuff...but that is another load of paperwork and I'm Lazy.... my tummy hurts right now :/ I need food.... eh..in a sec i guess ;P haha. But back to the job... I think I'm going to check out that pool job that I've said i was going to look into about ten thousand times...but never have...but I really need it and lifegaurds do get nice money :) We'll see.

Happy New Years :) This year started off in an unforgettable fasion in more ways than one <333 I hope It lasts :) but change is good I guess...Bring it on :D

mmm...food...here I come :D

and on a side note... I really really wanna do something tonight.... :( idk what tho...movie maybe? maybe Ill just go to Borders and look at stuff...I still have fifty dollars to spend there thanks to a gift certificate from my lovely Grandmother :D...I dont wanna drive tho :S dang it...
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