:/ whats with that? lol

Dec 03, 2006 17:44

Am I Confused? a little.

********Skip ALL this cause i cant even make sense of it myself...at least logically...

Why were so many people shocked when they found out that I had a girlfriend? They acted like it was a miracle or it would never happen. lol. i relly dont know how to take it. Steph told me that people were suprised because, apparently, no one thought it was possible to "tame" this "wild beast" (and im supposed to tell Karen congratz on being able lol). And as flattering as that is :D, thats kinda sad...
I know for a fact that I could have had plenty of girlfriends throughout highschool but i was never that interested in having a girlfriend most of the time (not that i'm gay). Anyways it got me wondering. Why do so many people (mostly kids in band, rotc and work) think im such a "pimp?" I can take it as a compliment (and i do ;D) but I'm really starting to wonder, do i really come across as that? My last girlfriend i broke up with, at most, after three weeks...maybe two and a half. I'm pretty sure everyone of you knows my "experience" through various games of truth or dare and have-you-ever(this past summer was the best of my life :D). So you all know that i havent had a girlfriend for two years...only "things" with girls. and only two or three at that.

Its kinda depressing really :/ i dont even know if i said why? maybe im being egotistical and I'm not fulfilling my own vision of who i want to be... idk.

*********If you read that. im sorry ;P it prolly only makes sense in my head. lol :D feel free to ask questions tho :D cause thats the only way you're going to get answers ;P *cough*sharan*cough* lol ;P

And you can stop reading here if you dont want to hear about the current state of my love life. lol

Karen. Karen. Karen. :D She's the one that "tamed" me lol. Honestly, I really dont know what it is that gets to me. Obviously, I know why I like her...but what was it specifically? lol... idk... idc... Sometimes i feel like a BIG sissy when i talk to her lol. Especially when i get mushy...lol. Its just not me...or at least Its just not what I've ever done ;P I feel...de-nate-inized lol. w/e i guess she likes it, so... i must be doing something right :)


I think its easier if i write these things and imagine that no one is going to read it. ever. lol. I was seriously going to delete everything like three times while i was typing :S lol

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