This is on notepad so idk how it will turn out...

Nov 23, 2006 21:07

Day 1
Ahh…Utah…its only a six to seven hour drive to the little town of St. George, but it almost seemed like an eternity. If it wasn’t for short naps, the music on my laptop and the amazingness known as text messaging I would have gone insane. Between my brother asking, “are we there yet?” every half hour (no joke!) and my Mom, Sis, and JJ doing rounds of jingle bells and various other Christmas melodies (completely out of tune I might add), any other person would have gone mad. Seeing as I had seven hours of nothing to do, I had plenty of time to think… but just because I had the time to do doesn’t mean I did very much…lol. I did do some but I’ll leave that for another post. This post I’m going to focus on what has happened the past two days…mostly ‘cause I am bored out of my mind (chiefs are playing the broncos and I dislike both those team). So I guess the logical place to start is yesterday morning:

Off to gcc and ready to take my math test, well sorta. It wasn’t too hard but no one finished in time so we all get to finish Monday morning letting all of us get a second chance to look at our notes and maybe correct some of our answers. Next was my English class where we got nothing done in the first half hour so he let us go early. I texted Bethy to see where she was and as soon as I sent the text I saw twenty yards in front of me. Lol (speak of the devil and there she is j/kkkkk!!!). We had a long conversation about how it feels like everyone (especially me) is in the holiday mood. And apparently I let something slip that got back to Karen, I’m not quite sure what exactly it was but it reminded me about the Boy Meets World episode where they talk about the “Woman Network” and how it is almost instantaneous how information gets transmitted between females… Well after our talk I went home (‘cause I talked to Professor Jennifer so I could miss class) and did a lot of cleaning before I could spend some precious alone time with my brand-spanking new Wii. I played Zelda for a good hour before I had to pack it up and another half hour before we left.

Ten minutes on the road and I remembered, crap… I didn’t pack my phone charger… For a normal person it would not have been a problem, but my charger is different than everyone elses in the family. So much for having my phone for the break. I found the car charger for cell phones and I noticed it was the same type of charger that my phone required so I plugged my cell into that in hopes of extending my battery life.

Nothing really exciting happened on the trip. Just the monotonous drone of the pavement and the smell of my dad’s SUV were driving me close to nuts… idk why but I hate the smell of his car. It is not pleasant… I have no clue if my car has the same affect for other people but his car always makes me a tiny bit nauseous. Yay! Only six more hours… So other than the occasional text to Karen, listening to my music, and the second Naruto movie (well my brother and my sister took my laptop away before I could watch any part of it) we got to St. George, hungry, tired but excitedly.

We unpacked, ate and talked for about half an hour before the Wii came up. I showed my gramps golf and bowling and tennis and baseball and boxing and he seemed to think it was perty kewl, lol. I got on myspace just to check if someone special was on but I was kicked off before long by my dad cause he wanted to sleep. I stayed up for another hour trying to beat the danged forest temple but called it a night cause I wasn’t getting very far (must have been cause I was tired, because when I played earlier today I got through the parts I was having trouble with last night easily).

I woke up today and was soon barraged with welcome text messages by my family back home (you peeps). We had a good breakfast; eggs, sausage and toast with raspberry jam and the guys, plus gen, went out to go GeoCaching. That was tons of fun. Since it was T-Day we decided to hit the downtown area instead of going out in the country because there would not be very many Muggles out during the day. I took some pictures and climbed some rocks at the park just outside the city. This park is not like any park you’ve ever been to. Imagine redrock boulders hundreds of feet high with caves and nooks and crannies every which way you turned. And to top it all off it was on a mesa overlooking the valley the city, which, itself was gold and purple and brown making a loud statement that, unlike in Arizona, there is a fall season. Either way, we ended our Treasure hunt with 9 out of 10 caches found and an empty stomach, which was good cause it was one and our dinner was at two.
Backtracking a little, on our GeoCaching adventure we meet another clan at one of the sites. The called themselves UTsRule, or something like that. So for the first time JJsClan (my family) and DixieDuo (My grandpa) finally meet another Caching clan. It was kinda kewl so I just had to mention it.
A quick stop at Albertsons to pick up a few overlooked items and it was dinner time. Yay. Nothing too, out of the ordinary; Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, marshmallow salad and gravy and cranberry sauce. But it was good. My favorite dish was the stuffing… I don’t think anyone can make it quite like my grandmother.

Ofc after dinner I took a good long nap. That was amazing… woke up two or three hours later, and watched some football. Ahh…thanksgiving is finally competed. Which leads me up to now, typing an LJ post on my laptop and if I have the time tonight I’ll post it online and if not you might just get it in one fell swoop.

Before I go…I just have to let you all know how BEAUTIFUL it is up here. A little on the chilly side but its all good, warm fuzzy feelings of family and home keep me warm, lol. But my Grandmother has huge, beautiful pink roses in the back yard (reminding me of this one girl back home =]]]]) and the city is colored autumn and the mountains are standing majestic in all their red, pink, purple, white, and orange glory over the small, quaint, but growing, town of St. George, Utah.
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