Sep 29, 2005 01:15
I hate scene kids!!!
☼Go dye your hair in random places
☼wear your tight pants
☼never take a bath
☼be involved in the scene because "the fashion is cool"
☼fuck your grandma
☼eat shit
Do all of this but stay the hell away from me, I can't stand to even look at your stupid hair, or listen to your effeminate voices anymore. Eat some dog shit, its the newest fashion..Atreyu and Dashboard agree!
I hate Drama!!!
☼whine all the time, about dumb shit
☼get on everyones nerves by making every moment a scene
☼try and turn friends against one another
☼go play in traffic
☼eat shit
Actually there are lots more things that I hate that I could type but:
I hate LiveJournal!!!
☼talk about your problems, so the world can read about them
☼comment on all of your friends journals..."that is the cool thing to do"
☼If you're a boring person make up stuff about:
►►how cool you are
►►how sad you are
►►how dumb you think everyone else is
☼go run yourself head long into a brick wall
☼eat shit