Nov 07, 2009 03:07
I realized today that I write a lot of fanfiction that never ends up on livejournal, so I decided to fix it. Here's a short drabble on Willow's thoughts after Buffy died in Season 5. A song I was listening to gave me the idea. Enjoy!
What happened when the world stopped turning
Three weeks, two days, and seven and a half hours. That’s how long it’d been since the world completely changed. Willow sat in the kitchen of the house she now shared with Tara and Dawn, and thought of the people that were missing from it. Joyce, who’d always made it a warm home, only to be taken from them suddenly. And then the person who left the biggest hole. Buffy. It’d been almost a month since Buffy died to save the world and her sister, but sometimes it still didn’t connect with her. She expected Buffy to walk right into that kitchen like nothing happened.
“Willow,” She’d say in that slightly exasperated tone she always used when Willow was on her computer, “Don’t you know there’s a world outside of cyberspace? Come on, I feel the need for some caffeinated goodness.”
And just like she always did Willow would reply, “If you have coffee now you’ll never sleep.”
“I don’t need to sleep. I’m the slayer, sleeping isn’t mentioned in the slayer handbook.”
Cue the sarcastic eye roll. “Buff, you never read the Slayer Handbook.”
“No, but if I did I’m sure that’d be in there. There’d probably be a whole chapter on it. Now come one, we’ll call Xander and Anya and get them to meet us over there. Why don’t you see if Tara wants to go.”
“Sure Buff.” With that Buffy turned left the room, and the warm feeling faded from Willow’s chest once again. There would be no coffee adventures with the gang today, today there would be the lukewarm tea that sat on the counter in front of her. And more fighting with wiring in the basement to fix the Buffy doll, and after that there would be bills to pay on the house. There would be simple, everyday things that fought to fill the void. Then when the sun went down she would join the rest of the Scooby gang in an attempt to take care of some of the work left behind with the absence of the Slayer. Then she’d come home, collapse in bed with Tara, and catch a few hours of sleep. The sun would continue to rise and set, and the world would continue to turn.
But to Willow the sun would never rise again, and the world had failed to turn for three weeks, two days, and seven and half hours. But one day, she thought as she turned back to the research on her laptop. One day she would make it right again.
btvs willow