Faith/Buffy Music Challenge - my drabbles

Nov 29, 2009 02:50

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn your music player on and turn it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Fandom/Pairing: BTVS - Buffy/Faith

Rating: I dunno - it's femmeslash so some would suggest that it needs a high rating although there's nothing but thinking, snogging and some suggestion!

Timing/Spoilers: All ranges, so if you haven’t seen all seven seasons of Buffy, don’t read this! The breakdown is: 2,3,5,7,9, - Season 3; 1,10 - Season 7; 4,6,8 - Post-Chosen. There's some fluff, some angst, and lots of Buffy/Faith goodness. Enjoy!

1. Too Far Gone - All American Rejects

Faith stood in the kitchen of Buffy’s house and remembered. She remembered what it felt like to stand there all those years ago when she first got to Sunnydale. She remembered the first breath of Buffy’s on her lips, their first wonderful kiss. Her heart dropped as she remembered the day all that changed, the day she changed. Everything important she could remember happening in Buffy and her relationship happened in this kitchen. They talked here, kissed for the first time here, it was standing in this kitchen that Faith realized she would never be with Buffy.
“Deep thoughts?” Faith’s breath caught as Buffy came up behind her.
“Old memories.” She saw Buffy nod out of the corner of her eye.
“We have a lot of them here.”
Faith chuckled deeply. Buffy was still as beautiful as she was the first day they stood here. She crossed her arms in front of her chest before continuing almost at a whisper. “Do you ever think about then?”

“Everyday” And then Buffy silenced her doubts with her lips.

2 . I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot

Buffy sat where she always did every Wednesday afternoon, on a plastic chair in the Hospital room Faith had been in for the past 3 months. Next to her Faith lay still, her eyes moving quickly under her eyelids. Buffy sometimes wondered what she dreamed about as she lay there, but mostly she just prayed that one day she’d stop dreaming and get up.

And then just the same as she did every other day Buffy reached over and grabbed the hand of the girl she loved and hated and despised and couldn’t live without all at the same time. “Faith, please.” She choked out, “Please move Faith. You want a challenge? That’s it right there. I dare you to move Faith, I dare you to get up.”

3. Should’ve When You Could’ve - Skillet

This was the last time, Faith promised herself. She was tired of waiting outside of the Bronze every night for Buffy to drag herself away from her friends and sneak off to see her. She was tired of only having Buffy in the back alley behind the club, pressed up against a wall with whispers and secrets. Mostly she didn’t know if she could stand watching Buffy dance so closely up against every guy in the club that asked her to dance. Faith knew she could have anyone she wanted, she was done being Buffy’s play thing.
Faith took a deep drink of her illegally obtained beer and clunked it down on the table, before stalking out to the dance floor. She felt Buffy’s eyes watch her, obviously expected her to come over and attempt to dance with her. Instead Faith found a group of college boys and gave them the look. Within seconds they were all over her. It was Buffy’s turn to watch enviously as she danced with them. She reveled in that feeling for a few minutes.

Two hours later Faith had Buffy against the wall behind the Bronze, and she promised herself it was the last time again.

4. Hold My Hand - New Found Glory

It was strange that after almost 7 years of knowing Buffy she still had the same affect on Faith. Really it was the simple things, like today as Buffy stood there in the gym at the Cleveland Center, leaning against the wall and laughing at something Willow said. Her smile was so perfect, and something in Faith’s stomach jumped when Buffy innocently tossed her hair over her shoulders. The women was perfect.
Tearing her eyes away Faith went back to punching the bag. She’d followed Buffy into a Hellmouth, over to LA, to Italy, and finally to Cleveland. She’d follow that girl anywhere. It was a disturbing feeling for Faith, but she counseled herself by saying anyone who looked at Buffy would feel the same way.
Buffy walked over and smiled at Faith. “You ready to go?”
Faith paused and reached over to take her hand. “Whenever you are.”
They turned to walk out of the gym together.
“So where should we go for dinner?” Buffy asked.

“Babe, I’d follow you anywhere.”

5. Get Some - Chevelle

Buffy woke up feeling worse then she had in days. She was laying on the bed of Faith’s motel room, the other side empty as usual. Quickly she gathered her clothes and left.
The night before had been the same as it usually was with them. They’d patrolled a couple of cemeteries, Faith making comments about a party she’d heard about until Buffy agreed to go. They’d ended up at some guys house, it was dirty and crowded, the upside was that there was plenty of beer and some free drugs. Buffy never even thought about using until she was with Faith the first time, now they had a pattern. It only took a couple of hours to be drunk and high. She never remembered much after that point. There were flashes. People dancing. Guys groping. Shooting up while laughing. Faith reaching over to grab her under the table. Eventually heading back to Faith’s apartment. Clothes were ripped off roughly, hands touched places they never would while sober. The pace was always fast and desperate, until they collapsed in a drunken stupor next to each other.

Each morning Faith was gone, Buffy would gather her clothes and leave, wondering if this would be the last time.

6. Going Away - Meg and Dia

Faith pulled into the gas station on her bike. It was another 60 miles to Columbus and she needed to refuel. The final battle was over, Buffy and the gang were all set up in Cleveland, but Faith couldn’t stay there. Too many dark pasts, too many walls that she couldn’t break down. She’d told Buffy a few months after they got to Cleveland. She couldn’t take it anymore. Buffy had asked her to stay, Faith turned it around and asked Buffy to come with her. But she couldn’t. Faith had known that even before she’d asked. Buffy had a place, a goal, a destiny. A family. Faith didn’t have that. She wasn’t the same scared and angry girl she’d been all those years ago, but she still had no place with the Scooby gang.
Instead she’d found her place traveling the country and fighting in her own way. Every once and a while she’d send a post card back to Cleveland, letting Buffy know she was alive.

Every post card had the same line on the bottom - “I’m going away. Please come with me?” Maybe one day the world would be fixed enough where Buffy could say yes.

7. Place for My Head - Linkin Park

Faith walked into her apartment and threw down her jacket angrily. She hated Buffy. The blonde princess who did everything right when she did everything wrong. But Faith knew Buffy better then that. She knew who Buffy was underneath the golden girl exterior. She knew the girl that used Faith and then discarded her when better things came along. It hadn’t always been that way, not when they first met. But their relationship had quickly changed, especially when Angel came back into the picture. Then Faith had killed a man. Accidentally, but instead of receiving support from Buffy she’d received just lectures and contempt. Now she’d just sold her soul to the man who wanted nothing more then Buffy dead. But Buffy always pushed people away, Faith was just the next person on the list. She was done with how the other slayer treated her, if that meant working for the enemy then so be it.

8. Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty

“Hey Baby.” Faith’s voice was as deep and rough as always as she greeted Buffy over the phone. It made Buffy smile unconsciously every time she heard it. Even though Faith was half a continent away.
A few months after they got to Cleveland, months after Faith and Buffy finally admitted their feelings for each other, Faith told her she had to leave. She still had to figure out who she was and where her place was in this world before she could stay with Buffy. So she’d left, armed with a picture of Buffy that hung in her apartment in New York, along with a picture of the whole Scooby gang. They talked on the phone every night, but it wasn’t enough. Every night Buffy asked her when she was coming home, and every night Faith told her soon. Soon wasn’t close enough.
“Whatcha up to Babe?” Faith asked.
“Doing dishes. Thinking of you.”
“Open the door.”

Buffy did, and there Faith stood bag in hand. “I’m home.”

9. Head Over Feet - Alanis Morrisette

Faith had swept Buffy off her feet. It was completely unexpected, at least for the blonde slayer. She’d never expected to fall for a girl, especially the rough, badass younger slayer. But Faith had made it so easy. Once she realized she wanted Buffy she’d pulled out all the stops. She took Buffy out, treated her like a princess. Not the way Angel had, where their romance seemed untouchable, with Faith it was real.

Today she’d picked Buffy up outside the school, opening the door for her with a smile. They walked down main street, talking and laughing. It was so easy to fall for the dark slayer. Despite her dark temper and wild ways, Faith was a good person underneath. They’d become friends first, built trust, and it had turned into something deeper. She’d already won over Buffy’s heart, even if she didn’t know it yet. Buffy loved everything about Faith, it was deep, slightly scary love, but it made Buffy feel complete. She loved Faith, and it felt right. They walked down the street hand in hand, laughing, and it was right where Buffy wanted to be.

10. Never Let This Go - Paramore

The house was dark as Faith sat in the kitchen, listening silently to Buffy and Spike’s conversation in the other room. It had hurt to come back and find out about their relationship. Supposedly it was over, but Faith wasn’t so sure. Years ago she’d loved Buffy from a distance while she’d been in love with one vampire, now she was in a relationship type thing with another. The two slayers had always bounced around each other, sometimes Faith even thought Buffy knew about her feelings. It was simple things, a slight look or strange comment. But since she’d been back she’d felt like she didn’t know the older slayer. There was something different about her. She still didn’t let people in, preferring to pretend everything was alright. Faith knew one day that façade would break, but it wasn’t now. For now she would let Buffy continue to be the fearless leader, even while her heart begged to be allowed to love Buffy openly. Part of her desperately wanted to let the feelings go, but another part of her, the part that lit up whenever Buffy entered the room, wanted to keep the feelings forever. That same part caused a smile to creep onto her face as Buffy entered the kitchen. Nope, she’d never let this go.

btvs buffy the vampire slayer faith/buff

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