Star Trek Quiz!!!

Mar 20, 2011 20:57

Just a bit of fun I found online. Thought I would give it a go. Hehehe, some of the questions were hilarious.

Stolen from doylescordy's journal!!!

Choose 10 characters (preferably from the same fandom) and answer the questions that follow. No peeking until your list is done!

My Characters:

1. Kirk 
2. Spock
3. Uhura
4. Chekov
5. Pike
6. Gaila
7. Bones
8. Scotty
9. Sarek
10. Sulu

1. Characters 4, 9 and 10 are at an arcade. What game do they choose to play, and who wins?
Chekov and Sulu ride bumper cars whilst Sarek stands and watches. I get the feeling that Sarek is chaperoning.

2. Make up an e-mail address for 6.

3. If 8 had an iPod or some kind of music player, what kinds of songs would you find in it?
Probably some old school Scottish folk music, something to remind him of home and which he could listen to whilst tuning up the Enterprise. I have a feeling he would do some awesome little jig to his favourite song.

4. What would you do if 9 suddenly paid you a visit?
Probably faint. Or invite him in for some green tea. Then I'd most likely question my sanity.

5. Do you think 6 and 4 are made for each other?
Not really, but I can see Gaila de-virginising Chekov as a favour. I bet they'd be good ol' nerdy friends together.

6. 1 challenges 3 to a no-holds-barred duel. Who will win and how?
This one is a hard one. I figure Kirk has better combat skills, but I can see him going easy on Uhura. Plus, he wouldn't want to mess up her gorgeous face, whereas she'd just scratch his eyes out. I think in the end Uhura would flash Kirk her goodies, and Kirk would faint. So therefore, Uhura is the winner.

7. 7, 2 and 1 order a pizza. What toppings does each one request, and what do the others think of the choices?
Kirk would want something fatty and deliciously meaty, but Spock and Bones force him to have a healthy vegetarian pizza. Though Bones would grumble about ANY pizza being fatty, he'd still eat it.

8. What subject would 1 teach if s/he were a teacher/professor?
I believe Kirk would teach combat. Or perhaps a class in leadership skills. I think he'd rather teach something physical, but maybe the Admiralty would force him to do a leadership skilss class? For his physical class, he'd have a few lessons dedicated to rock-climbing.

9. 5 and 10 go on their first date. Where would they go, and what would they do?
O_O PIKE AND SULU ARE DATING?!?!?! Haha, Sulu would try to sweeten Pike up by giving him some beautiful fragrant flowers, then take him for a special shuttle ride, where he'd land by a lake near a forest where they'd have a picnic and kiss until the sun went down. As it's a very secluded spot, I think Pike would convince Sulu to go skinny dipping with him.

10. 6 sings karaoke and dedicates a song to 7. What song would s/he dedicate and why?
For some reason I can't get the image of Gaila singing Britney Spears' "I'm a Slave For You" out of my head. But I think she would sing Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing". That would be hot. =D

11. How would 8 court 6?
Jeeze, Gaila sure is getting some action!!! I think Scotty would buy her a club sandwhich then take her down to engineering. He'd take her to some hidden knook where they'd be intimate for a number of hours ;-)

12. Describe the relationship between 2 and 8 in the canon. Would you change it? Why?
Spock and Scotty? Well, they have a professional relationship I would say. I suppose they acknowledge each other's intelligence and tolerate each other's presence. In nu!Trek I suppose Spock has a bit more disdain for Scotty.

13. In your list, who do you think is the perfect match for 3 and why?
Hmm, well I'd probably say that I think Uhura has always had a bit of a 'thing' for Scotty. Though I can see her also being with Bones. I think either is a good match for Uhura. Yeah, I'm no Spock/Uhura fan.

14. 2 has a dream where 10 tells him/her to save 1, who is facing certain doom. What would 2 do?
Well, if Spock ever DID dream, I doubt he'd listen to the figments of his imagination (sorry Imagination!Sulu!!!!!). However, he would ALWAYS save Kirk no matter what. XD

15. 9 (Sarek) and 6 (Gaila) are about to get married, until 3 (Uhura) crashes their wedding and abducts 9 (Sarek) against his/her will. 6 (Gaila) follows them, but must forge an uneasy alliance with his/her archrival, 1 (Kirk). They must then hijack some form of transportation from 8 (Scotty) in order to get to 3’s (Uhura's) lair, where they must fight against 3’s (Uhura's) evil zombified minions. What will happen next?
Kirk wakes up from his dream and vows to never drink Romulan ale again.

16. 9 receives a gift from 1. Does s/he open it or not? If so, what is inside?
Sarek opens his gift, it would be illogical not to do so. He receives a box of chocolate, and gives it to his wife Amanda.

17. 4 is walking home when s/he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his/her legs. Will s/he kick it away, or take it home?
Chekov would take it home of course!!! He'd be SO cute with fluffy things!!! The amount of cute would make fangirls world-wide squee untill they died from lack of breath.

18. 8 is dared by 4 to strip while pole-dancing in front of 7. Write a short dialogue about this.
"Meester Scott, you must strip! In Russia, we inwented stripping! It is good for attracting male, yes?" Chekov slurred over the loud music.
"Och, I dinnae. D'ye think the good doctor would like a wee bit o' strip dancing?" Scotty glanced at his fellow drunken pole dancer, then towards Doctor McCoy, who was drinking sullenly by the bar.
"Yes! It will show heem you are interested!"
Gathering his courage, Scotty whistled, which brought the attention of everyone in the bar.
"This next dance is for a bonny lad, named McCoy!"
The doctor turned towards the stage where his drunken coworkers were dancing, and shook his head at their antics.
With a swivel of the hips, and a hoot from the back of the crowd (who Scotty thought sounded a lot like his Captain), the engineer began to dance... and subsequently strip off his clothing.

19. What smiley/emoticon would best describe 5?
=(   Because he's stuck in a wheel chair and can no longer captain the Enterprise.

20. If you had the chance to rewrite 1’s life, how would you change it?
I would probably never let Kirk go to Tarsus. Also, I'd most likely never let David die. I'd probably make Kirk get together with Spock, and then I wouldn't let him go into the Nexus. In the Nu!Trek I'd probably make sure the Romulans never destroyed the Kelvin, which would mean Vulcan wouldn't be destroyed and Kirk could live a happier life.

life, star trek

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