
Mar 17, 2011 22:09

Hi all,

I thought I should give more updates about my fics, what's happening in my life and what I'll be up to in the next week.

Well, to start off with, I have to say I haven't been writing as much as I want to. For one, I've been working HEAPS lately, and at the end of a 10-hour shift I just want to sleep or watch tv. Yeah, very slothful. I've also become addicted to making icons. I am still a photoshop newbie, so I only know the basics, but I'm having heaps of fun. I'm doing an icon challenge for starfleethq which is due on Sunday. I already have 4/11 icons made!!!

On a lighter note, I only have about 600 words left to write of my girl!Spock/Sulu one-shot! It should be done and up by Sunday. Chapter one of KVK hasn't made much progress unfortunately. I'm having heaps of trouble writing one particular scene. Well, what I mean is that I write it, but am never happy with it, so I have to re-write it. Chapter one will be up Sunday next week hopefully.

I've had a pretty good week for pick-ups. I picked up some books at my local book exchange. I got:

Star Trek Crucible: McCoy, Provenance of Shadows

Star Trek The Fearful Summons

Star Trek 7

Star Trek Typhon Pact, Paths of Disharmony

Star Trek Typhon Pact, Zero Sum Game

So, my collection of Trek novels is steadily growing! I really can't wait to read them all! I'm such a nerd, but I'm not ashamed of it! I am almost finished reading the novelisation of the 2009 Star Trek movie. It's a quick read, which I'm doing on the bus ride to and from university. Admittedly, those bus rides are around 40 minutes long each, so it's probably not as quick as I think it is.

I received a parcel from my friend Kate in America this week. I bought from her a bunch of doll clothes for my darlings Haruka and Ophelia. They have to be size-adjusted because my girls aren't on obitsu bodies. I will get pictures of them in the clothes up in about 2 - 3 weeks. I have to clean enough space from my desk so that I can stitch without getting my arms poked by odds and ends.

That's about it for this week! Have a great night/day!

dolls, life, star trek

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