1). Oh hai there, home state! The Baltimore mayor
just set up a task force aimed to fight animal cruelty. This is a huge victory for Marylanders, both furry, feather, scaled, and not. I know that there are some stupid pieces of shit who will argue that we should be focusing our attentions on human suffering (as though we can only help one group or the other!). But as animal abuse is almost always connected with other illegal acts - abuse of humans, murder, rape, illegal gambling, drugs, etc. - society wins all around by beefing up the protection of the animals we swore to protect the moment we opened our homes to them.
2). I finished watching all the uploaded episodes of Harper's Island.
rainbowstevie was right; things do pick up after the first two-three episodes mainly, I think, because they finally remembered rule number one of horror movies: there's NOTHING creepier in the world than a little girl (especially a little girl who sings!).
However, they seem to have forgotten rule number two of horror movies: the tolken person of color (which is rule number one of television and film: whites only, D: ) dies first! LOL. I suppose we could quibble over Harry Hamlin (aka Uncle Marty?) dying, as he could currently pass for the race of oompa loompa, given his current skin color, but why bother? Lets just be glad his character died. Not because the character was annoying or anything; I don't remember a single thing about the character. But because Harry Hamlin is a douche bag.
For those who don't know, Harry is married to Lisa Rinna. Lisa Rinna has had so much plastic surgery to her face that her lips look like a prolapsed anus. She's even said that she thinks some of the work she's had done doesn't look all that great, but she won't stop using Botox. Good lord, Harry, if you loved her at all... you'd be like, "Um, honey, you need to stop with the plastic surgery or invest in brown paper bags." That you clearly don't care if she leaves the house looking like that makes me hate you. LOL, yes, in this case NOT verbally abusing your wife makes you a douche bag. :D
Anyway, so moving along with Harper's Island, I can't help but think that the writers forgot about Rule #3: all characters either must be extremely likable enough and rooted for OR extremely unlikable and rooted against. Too many characters fall in the in-between here for me. I felt bad for Chloe and Cal, but then I remembered what total asshats they were (her for ruining that couple's engagement, him for kind of attempting to drown Chloe) and felt a lot less bad about them getting the boot. Same thing with Catherine, Booth, and Trish's dad.
The only character I really felt bad for for dying is the fat dude... whose name I never knew. And I think the only reason I felt bad for the character was because the actor himself was so good. Also, I feel bad because the character never lived long enough to realize his sideburns-beard combo was completely lame. I'm totally like, "Sorry you never got a chance to fix that situation on your face before dying. That's gotta suck." Lisa Rinna, take heed.
But for the most part, I don't give a fuck about who lives and dies. I kind of feel like I have a good idea as to how this is all going to go down, as I could smell the Jimmy is possibly involved and Abby's dad was a red herring plotline a mile away.
My prediction is that Trish will bite it in the series finale. Rule number four: the "slutty" girl always dies.
3). CSI Miami script pages have come out for the season premiere. I'm not putting this behind a cut, because it's nothing you won't find out from the TV guide description. The episode is set in 1997. We're seeing how the "team" got together... by completely raping and retconning everything we already now about the characters, naturally. We're completely ignoring season one now, by the way. Horatio's bomb squad days? Gone. Horatio is going to be a "detective," which makes no sense at all. Eric is a n00b in season one (as evidenced by the fact that he had no idea what was up with Megan), but not in this episode, because he's on the team. There's no Megan, of course. Most unbelievable of all? We're supposed to believe that as of 1997, Horatio didn't have sunglasses. BITCH, PLEASE. Horatio came out of the womb with sunglasses in his hand. His daddy is a pair of sunglasses. Those sunglasses skillz require more than a decade to perfect.
But most unbelievable of all is the fact that David Caruso is going to play Horatio Caine ten years ago.* HELL TO THE NO.** That's not going to work. Speaking of prolapsed anuses, David Caruso currently looks like one. All over. He can't play himself ten years ago. Especially since you KNOW the wardrobe people are going to stick him in the black suit with the black and white striped shirt. Not only are we missing the most basic points of canon, but we're now also ignoring the smaller ones -- like the fact that barely five years ago, Horatio Caine wore color. D:
* In fairness, I won't pick on DC alone. WTF are they going to do with Emily Procter? Drain all of the fillers she's shoved into her face before they shoot her scenes?
** Last night something startled me and woke me up. I don't remember what, but I do remember jerking awake, saying pretty loudly, "AW HELL TO THE NO." Thank you, Whitney Houston. D:
tinpra told me to do this meme. So I am: Inspired by Doctor Who's "Turn Left:" Pick one of my stories and tell me a point in the tale that you'd change. Something tiny (e.g. "and then Fay chose silver glitter instead of gold") or big (e.g. "and then Rose was arrested instead of Jack") and I'll tell you how that one difference would have altered the course of the entire story.
My master list of fic is
here. Edge of Chaos and No Other One are not on the list, as the list is for completed fic.