5 Harper's Island characters down, way too many to go

Jul 05, 2009 14:40

"Though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, a different standard applies for the decisions I make."  -- Sarah Palin

This is precisely what I've been saying all along.  I'll never claim that Mrs. Palin and I see eye to eye on everything.  Obviously we don't and never will.  However, far more dangerous than any view she has are the ideas that equality should be given only to those women who fit a particular mold or pattern of belief, that the media should cease to be an impartial observer in order to help someone ascend to the throne, and that those who swore to protect voters' rights have the right to disenfranchise American citizens for whatever reason they see fit.

What really irritates me is that it then becomes a whole dirty liberal sort of thing every single time someone insults Sarah Palin.  And that's not true.  I am a dirty liberal, and I know Sarah Palin wasn't treated fairly during the election.  I am a liberal; I believe abortion should be legal even in the last trimester of pregnancy, but I would never ever think it was acceptable to post a picture of Trig Palin with the caption "should have been aborted."  I am a liberal, an actual progressive (none of this fauxgressive bullshit), and I would never demean my own beliefs by resorting to sexist arguments often based on lies to prove a point.  I would like to believe that my convictions are strong enough - and backed up enough - that I can use things like facts in a debate.  A novel approach, I know.

Anyway... so I watched the first two episodes of Harper's Island, rainbowstevie .  WHY is this show so damn boring????  You'd think it would be interesting, given that some asshole's running around dismembering people and all that.  But no.  BORING.  Honestly it kind of reminds me of the Passions' storyline that involved a serial killer running around Harmony killing people - very slow going.  But at least Passions made the whole thing slightly interesting by making the serial killer a hermaphrodite who purposely gets pregnant her father's baby (the dad doesn't know his kid is a hermaphrodite or that she is his son).

I think Harper's Island needs more blood, gore, and sex to make it real quality entertainment.  :D  Right now this just feels like Saw for Wimps.  And yet, I'll still probably watch the rest of it, LOL.

needz moar hermaphrodites, politics, cussing you out, sarah's not the devil, crack is whack, ack my ears!, warning: contains extreme whining, stryper pwns u, suck my ass, what do u mean equal rights?, bad writing, ack my eyes!, tv, stupid people, i have awesome taste, stupid pieces of shit, kiss my ass, annoying things, attention whoring, rants, hypocrisy: it's whats 4 dinner, writing, weird shit, hell to the no, crab cake makes u dumb, sadness, bittersweetie, liberal, mr. sexxxy-pants-the-messiah

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