TheTenSpot: Kiss Me

Jan 14, 2008 19:58

Ten kisses.

01. The day before her mother left her, Murphy got a kiss on the forehead. Her mother had tucked her in at night, even though she was starting to feel she was too old for that. It didn’t deter her mother any, and Murphy had squirmed a little bit. Her mother had laughed at that, but the sound had been kind of sad. Being twelve, Murphy missed it, but thinking back she wished she had asked what was wrong. Her mother had run a hand over her hair, then leaned down and pressed her lips gently to Murphy’s forehead. She had told Murphy she loved her very much, said goodnight and then left. Murphy had been content with that, complete sure as all twelve year olds were that tomorrow night her mother would repeat the same process.

02. Unlike her mother, Murphy’s Pop wasn’t physically affectionate. After her mother left, neither was Murphy. Any little moments of physical affection from her father were memorized and dedicated to memory in perfect detail. The best kiss she’s ever gotten from his was after his heart attack. She was sitting by her father’s bedside and waiting for him to wake up. He was pale, and he looked so… so weak. The one word Murphy had never thought of in connection to her father before. When her father had woken up he looked over to see her and Murphy had burst into tears, big sobbing tears. She’d spent the night scared he was going to die, she couldn’t help it. Tears made her father uncomfortable, but this time, he knew just what to do. He hugged her and kissed her hair, he promised he’d scare her like that again.

03. Murphy first kiss was with Daniel Baker. She was fifteen years old, at her first real party with a DJ and everything. She was standing at the edge of Amy Langdon’s pool, it was Amy’s birthday, watching the party around her. She knew only a handful of people there and most of them were sneaking drinks of the wine coolers someone had smuggled in. She stayed out of that and kept drinking soda to be safe. There was no telling what her dad would be able to smell when he came to pick her up promptly at midnight. Daniel joined her and they talked for a few hours. He had made her laugh, had made her smile and really made her feel welcomed. He was kinda cute, in that awkward puppy on linoleum way. She liked him, and tried awkwardly flirting back. When her dad showed up, honking the horn she was too nervous to ask him if she’d see him again. He was nervous too and when he kissed her, it was fumbling and awkward, but perfect to fifteen year old Murphy.

04. Her Grandma Murphy dying had to be one of the hardest experiences of Murphy’s young life. She was graduating High School, a time when she should have had lots of fun partying and getting ready for college, but instead she spent most of her afternoons at the Angel’s Mercy Hospice, holding her Grandma’s hand and comforting her as much as she could. Actually, Murphy was the one getting the most comfort. She was very close to her Grandma and though she knew she wouldn’t have the recovery her Pop had, she secretly hoped for a miracle. It never came. Murphy had been holding her Grandma’s hand when she passed and had cried silently. She knew it was better for her Grandma, she wasn’t in pain any more and she wasn’t alone. Even though Murphy was. She had gotten up, kissed both her Grandma’s cheeks and then gone to get a nurse and call her Pop.

05. One nice thing Murphy can say about her ex, he was a fantastic kisser. On their first date, he kissed her knuckles. Murphy was a lot less cynical back then and had blushed just a little at the knightly gesture. She was pretty sure at that moment she had started to fall for him. She’s a little ashamed by how quickly her heart got away from her now, but back then it had seemed perfect. He had walked her to her door after a nice dinner at a fancy Thai bistro where they had more to talk about that she thought they would. To her there wasn’t much a cop and a mayor’s aid could really have in common, but they liked the same music, the same books and even some of the same movies. It was a really good first date and she had know as she stood outside her door that she would definitely be calling him again. Then he said he couldn’t wait to see her again and kissed her hand. Oh, yeah, she had started to fall.

06. You may now kiss the bride. Boy, those words had thrilled Murphy. Her ex had lifted the veil and kissed her softly. She had been expecting the kind of kiss he usually gave her while they were making love, nice, deep and slow. She wanted her wedding kiss to be the kind that made the audience hoot and whistle. Instead, he’d just pressed his lips to hers in a gentle easy kiss. Murphy hadn’t let her disappointment show at all. She had grinned at her ex, because really the kiss didn’t matter. She was married to the man she loved, she was going to start a life with him and things were going to be just as perfect as this moment. Later she’ll remember that the moment wasn’t perfect and that should have tipped her off something was wrong.

07. Eight hours of insanely painful labor later, Murphy was exhausted, sweaty and crying her eyes out, but she was holding her baby. Her beautiful baby girl, though Anna wasn’t really beautiful when she looked at her objectively. She was wrinkly, red faced and screaming her lungs out, angry at the world already, but the most beautiful thing Murphy has ever seen in her life. Anna Rose Murphy, an hour old and the center of Murphy’s world. Her ex was crying too as he leaned over to look at the life they made together. He’d kissed her forehead then kissed Anna’s. Murphy had cradled Anna protectively too her, zealously protecting her baby because she really was Murphy’s. She had whispered all the promises new mothers make and had kissed her cheek. To this day, it was the best kiss Murphy had ever given.

08. Murphy knew her divorce was coming when her ex kissed her when she’d come home late from another two days working a murder. She couldn’t really explain it. There wasn’t anything special about the kiss and there wasn’t anything weird about it, but she’d known as soon as her ex had lifted his lips from hers that things were over. She thought now that the magical spark couples always talk about was gone and that’s how she knew, but for a long time she was bothered by the certainty with which she knew. There wasn’t any maybe, there wasn’t any it’s just an off night. It was just “he’s going to leave me” and that was it. She wasn’t even bothered by that idea. She was actually sort of relieved. Things were too rough, too hard now and she’d been waiting to get the courage to ask for a divorce. Now she wouldn’t have to. He’d do it for her and she knew that with just a kiss.

09. The first time Harry kissed her, he was drugged. It was the only reason she wasn’t mad at him for doing it in front of Kirmani and a bunch of Milwaukee cops. They had bust down the door and found him in a rather embarrassing position. She’d been expecting Harry to be in some sort of danger. Instead he was wrapped around their blonde suspect. She still had run over to him and asked if he was okay. He’d looked at her, stoned out of his mind and grinned stupidly. Next thing she knew, his hand was in her hair and he was pulling her forward. She’d tried to stop him, but for a stoned guy, Harry was pretty strong. He was kissing her before she knew it and then he dragged her down to the floor. She managed to get away before he snuck in a second kiss and finally she got free. Kirmani had raised an eyebrow but never said anything. She never said anything either and has never asked Harry if he remembered it.

10. The second time Harry kissed her he smelled like ant vomit and was wearing her sunglasses. She probably should have just slapped him, but she liked Harry and didn’t want to hit him. When he grabbed her, she figured out what was coming and made a very un-Murphy like squeak. Then he kissed her, really kissed her. The drugged kiss had been sloppy and really kinda bad, but this was a good kiss. His hand in her hair kept her lips pressed to his and she kind of liked it. When he paused for air and snuck in that second kiss, she actually kissed him back. It was nice. Then he stopped and Murphy kept her eyes closed, sort of lingering in the rush left over from being kissed like that. Then her brain kicked in. She slapped him before she really processed the thought and with more force than was necessary. Harry hadn’t seemed too bothered by it, the slap and the kiss and hard started following the trail again. Murphy, however, had a problem. She kissed Harry back and had no idea what to do about that. In the end, she did what she always did when something didn’t make sense for her, she put it away to deal with later.

[character prompt], [who] pop, [who] the ex, [who] mom, [episode] soul beneficary, [who] anna, [who] grandma, [who] harry dresden, [episode] second city

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