Fanfiction Request: Storm Clouds

Feb 02, 2009 10:26

Title: Storm Clouds
Requested By: r_vecchio
Prompt: Jealous!Murphy
Rating: R
Author's Note: This little beauty continues the other set of requested drabbles I did, here and here. Because while Murphy and Vecchio would never happen in a million years the "what if they did" factor is so very addicting. Fic requested from this meme. Still time to ask for something!


Murphy would have liked to forget that she had not only cried in front of Vecchio, but that she also slept with him. The crying thing bothered her the most, actually. She hated showing anyone, any weakness and now Vecchio, possibly the most annoying man on the planet next to her ex-husband, had seen her cry. He was never going to let her live it down. And now that she’d made the huge mistake of sleeping with him, she could only guess that his stalking and hitting on her was going to be worse.

So forgetting those two mistakes would have been a really good thing in Murphy’s world, except it was right around the time the boys in Violent Crimes got a new desk secretary, Mary, who was blond, buxom and dumber than a box of rocks. Vecchio’s perfect woman in other words. Suddenly, all annoying behavior and flirting just stopped. He didn’t make excuses to visit homicide anymore. They didn’t conveniently run into each other on her lunch break. He wasn’t even bragging to the other cops in his unit that he’d gotten inside her pants. It was like she had stopped existing and it was possibly more annoying than when he had done all those things.

Which was stupid on her part, very stupid. She had finally got what she wanted. Vecchio had turned his attention elsewhere and she was free. Sure, she felt bad for Mary who had to be getting hit on by every guy in Violent Crimes and a few from other units, but it was a small price to pay when she herself was free to work without a single interruption or slightly lewd comment. The lack of rumors about her one night mistake with Vecchio kept her good reputation intact. She didn’t have to worry about other cops thinking she was easy or that she’d slept her way up the ladder or maybe slummed a little. She was free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, she was free at last. And everything would have been fine if she hadn’t seen Vecchio taking Mary out to lunch one day.

It was irrational, downright idiotic, but seeing him hold the door open for her and then offer her an arm shot a bolt of jealousy straight through her. Never, once, in the whole time he had badgered her had he ever opened a door or offered her an arm. Okay, so she wouldn’t have taken the arm and would have been annoyed he didn’t think she could handle a door by herself but it was the thought that mattered. If he had done that it would have meant he was trying to be a gentleman to her. Something like that could have changed her mind about him. Maybe she would have been nicer or found him less annoying if he had just tried that. Realistically, it would have made her more suspicious, but it was the thought that counted, right?

But she wasn’t going to say anything. She wasn’t going to tell him that even though he was a colossal ass she did like him. His personality might be as abrasive as sandpaper but he wasn’t afraid to make her angry. He wasn’t afraid to call her on her numerous hypocrisies either. He still thought she was “fucking beautiful” - words he had whispered against her neck the night they fucked on her couch - even though she was screwed up in so many ways and broken in so many places. He had kept trying, even though she said no every time and in every way she could think of. She had thought, apparently foolishly, that she might have meant something or maybe he liked her.

From the evidence, though, since getting what he wanted from her, she really wasn’t all that special after all. Playing hard to get had kept him interested and since being got, there was nothing to keep him around. She hated that feeling more than the jealousy, or the crying. She’d forgotten her mantra: everyone leaves, eventually. Even a pain in the ass like Vecchio. That was probably why she snapped the next time she saw him in the morgue.

“Hey, it’s my favorite Lieu,” he said brightly, a little extra bounce in his step. “You just couldn’t stay away from me, huh?”

Her temper snapped like a high tension wire. “You say one more word to me, Vecchio, and I swear to God they’ll be pulling your teeth out of the back of your brain. I don’t want to see you around my office, my partner, or my diner booth, you got that? You want to try out our cheap lines, go see your secretary.”

And she stormed out in a thunder cloud of temper and hurt, edged green with hint of jealousy.

[ship] ray/murphy, [who] det ray vecchio, [fanfiction]

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