Searching for my darling puppy

Apr 12, 2006 00:39

So I've been spending the last week actively trolling and other various sites for my dauschund since my dear beloved Mama wants to get one for me as my birthday gift this year. So far my favorite find has been this one (Isn't she darling!) in Cary, NC 2 1/2 hrs away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's she's still available and I'm trying to get in contact with the breeder to arrange a visit.

In other news, my dad is recovering nicely from his stroke. Physically he is great, no trembling, paralysis or weakness in any limbs. He goes for his driving test this week; if he passes he gets to drive only with another licensed driver in the car for 3-6 months, then gets tested again for driving by himself. He still has some problems with short-term memory lapses. He will forget things he did the day before and believe he did them last week or a month ago or not all. Thankfully he no longer needs 24hour supervision which is a huge relief to all of us here at home. Keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't wander off, try to cook and burn stuff, etc was extremely difficult and a very heavy burden. I'm so thankful my Uncle Rene came to stay with us for a couple of months to help with Dad by being a companion, keep an eye, help with the physical therapy and the teaching and homework type excersices we had to do with dad to help with his neurological problems.

One other thing that has come about from all this is that with the shock of Dad almost dying, I am now more accepting of my own chronic illness. Oddly enough some of his neurological impairments being similar to my own has made me feel more validated in the realities of FMS/CFIDS being true medical conditions. There have lately been a lot of theories/news/etc tossed around about the brain in relation to sypmtons/causes of FMS/CFIDS and compairing Dad's neurological sypmtons and my own I can definetly see where these theorists are coming from.

family, medical, pets

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