Reality Check

Mar 16, 2011 15:21

Title: Reality Check
Fandom: Glee
Character: Blaine/Kurt
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 299
Summary: Add to that the fact like he kisses like fire and he actually gets Kurt in a way that even Mercedes doesn't, and you have a fairly stellar boyfriend. Who sometimes is a bit preachy and sometimes needs to check himself. But then, that's real life, right? Written for kissbingo: type - emoticon

It's not that Kurt isn't happy. He is. Blissfully so. It's just... Well... The reality of Blaine-as-boyfriend doesn't exactly live up to the idea of Blaine-as-boyfriend.

Kurt's a romantic. He needs to be wooed. And Blaine isn't exactly the wooing sort. Or, to be more accurate, his version of wooing is an odd combination of tries-too-hard and gets-it-right-on-accident. Which can be charming, Kurt has to admit, but can also really, really uncomfortable making.

And there is definitely some sort of weird vibe going on between Blaine and Kurt's dad.

Which complicates things almost as much as it weirds Kurt out.

But, for all dating Blaine doesn't exactly match up to what Kurt thought it would be like, Blaine's still a fairly awesome boyfriend. He calls when he says he will, texts all the time and tweets the most adorably schmoopie things. There are the prerequisite kissie faces and hearts and the like, but there is also some heart-melting stuff too. Like "All I need in this world is blueberry pancakes and @sweetporcelain's love." Which, okay, so Blaine was drunk, but still. Definitely one of the top ten moments in Kurt's life.

Add to that the fact like he kisses like fire and he actually gets Kurt in a way that even Mercedes doesn't, and you have a fairly stellar boyfriend. Who sometimes is a bit preachy and sometimes needs to check himself. But then, that's real life, right?

And while Kurt isn't exactly over the moon about Blaine's need to explore questionable fashion trends or his evil twin-esque drunk-self, he's pretty thrilled that Blaine doesn't seem to mind his hour long daily moisturizing routine.

So, yes, it's true that Blaine isn't what Kurt thought he would be. But somehow Kurt thinks he likes him better. Awkward, unromantic moments and all.

glee, reality check, pg-13, blaine/kurt

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