New Drabble: a special kind of double

May 25, 2011 15:19

Title: a special kind of double
Author: liebedance
Character(s): Petunia (Evans) Dursley, Lily (Evans) Potter
Rating: G
Word Count: 300ish
Warnings: Liberal use of parallel structure
Summary: Petunia catches a glimpse of Lily in a small muggle market
Author's Notes: Written for a prompt given to me by museme87.

Life is strange sometimes. Not in the way that your sister is a witch. Not in the way that she now exists in a world you'll never know. Not even in the way that sometimes - just sometimes - you wish you, too, had her power.

No, life is strange in completely unexpected and utterly normal ways. Like how you've fallen in love with a man who looks nothing like the dream man of your childhood. Like how you're carrying his child in your abdomen. Like how, in a small market in a small English town, you manage to run into her carrying his child.

She's choosing apples a mere ten feet away from where you stand. Choosing apples, as if she's ordinary. As if she's not a freak of nature. As if...

And, maybe it's the hormones. Maybe it's the fact that you're pregnant and she's pregnant. Maybe it's bringing forth some strange type of nostalgia, reminding you of when you did everything together. But, for a moment, you want to call out her name.

You want to ask her how she's doing - how she's really doing. You want to ask her baby, about her husband, about her life.

Because, despite everything, in this moment, you miss her. You miss the way you used to play and laugh before that boy came and ruined everything. You miss being sisters.

But, then you look away for a second, and when you look back, she's gone. And you wonder if she'd ever really been there or if it had really been someone else. For once, you let yourself wonder all sorts of things. And, mostly, you wonder if things could have ever been different.

genre: family, harry potter, character: lily evans, drabble, character: petunia dursley, fanfiction, rating: g

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