Aug 15, 2004 16:21
ii tHinK i hAve bAd theAcHerSz =[ .. oKk weLl imA teLl u ..
1st perriod - SCiENCE - PEREZ
2nd perriod - bUis.. kEy - mS. Ash
3rd perriod - math - MClAuG .. kNo 1 kNowsz hEr
4th perriod - intens - FLEMiN .. hHMm ..
5th perriod - lAnG . A - SCHANE
6th perriod - WoRld hiStoRy - FiSCHE
oKk weLl iFf ur iNn thOsze cLASszes hOLla at mEe hAve a fEelin iSha iSznT iNn enY oF theMm =[ and theYy woNt tell mEeh whEn iSz luNCh tymE weLl theY saiD liike 4th oR 5th periiOd doNnu buTt imA mAkke alSome friEndsz hAHhahha and i GEt tOo mEet lEXxi AW i dOnt knoW waT tOo weAr .. HhMm .. DoNnu i cANt waiit tiLl 2MoRrow yAye ! ! oKk weLl imA go dOo mah nAilSz and hAir iTSz a seCret waT im GUNnu dOo. HAHhaha