Aug 14, 2004 18:29
omG dOnT u lOve maH JOURNAL =] ne wayysz im sTaRViinG and mah mOm pUTt mEeh iNn a hip hoP kiiDSz and iFf u doNt knO wut that iSz itSz a dance but you dance hip -hop and hip hop isz fast sOo ill bE moViin lIike BRiTneY SpEArsz sOo yEA iM hAPpy ! ! and we dance tO rap and wEe cuMpeTe wiTt oTHA pEOplE sOo thatsZ cOol i foUnd that plAzse at cORAl sQauRe maLl .. yeUPp mAh HOMiiE mAll HAhahHA ! ! oKk well imA gOo eAt CusZ iM liikE rEAly StArrViinG .. LOl bUh BiEe