It made me giggle ^.^

Oct 04, 2008 03:43

colleensda: Yep, this is the most bullshit country on the planet. Fuck these fucking Arabs. We should have attacked Saudi Arabia after 9/11. We could have contained Iraq for the next 500 years.. The real enemy in the middle east is Saudi Arabia.

uruleworld: you dumb ass! america can never attack on Saudi Arabia cuz America knows Arabs can kick there Ass

Liddykat: Oh really? and have they ever been successful in a counter attack? You wish arabs can kick Americans ass. The U.S. handed weapons to arabs like candy, they fail without us. You don't have the technology nor the brains to have successful attacks on the U.S. Without Osama and Sadam, you have nothing now but rocks in your hands and dynmamite attached to your waist. Killing yourself including hundreds of your own people and maybe ONE of our soldiers (if you're lucky enough to get one) All for what? For the name of Alah and a pool full of beautiful young virgins? LOLS@you, sir. You should learn a thing or two from the Japs. They killed themselves for their family and country. They also did it with love and passion in their heart, while fighting for what they thought was right. You all should do the same and not for a bullshit reason.
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