Apr 28, 2005 08:34
I have the shortest freakin memory. Today school doesn't start til 11am. Usually i'm super late for school, so this time i made sure i was early, but i forgot bout school starting later. So i had no one to hang out with. So i walked to the u of a cause where the hell else am i gonna go, well i coulda went home but mom wasn't gonna answer the phone and i wasn't gonna take the freakin bus. Any ways since yesterday i've been running a fever so today i decided to were by cheer shorts. So as i'm walking to the u of a my freakin legs start to itch really bad and they start to get red and blotchy, so i assume i'm alergic to some plant around there. so i at the u of a library now, my legs itch soo freakin bad, i'm fuckin hot as hell and now my stomach hurts. Obviously its not gonna be too great of a fuckin day! Tah ha!