Daniel...fuck you. Seriously, dont ever fucking talk to me again.
*cause i mean everybody knows i deserve nothing short of perfection. i mean come on....look at me!
Are you joking? Fuck that. You dont even fucking know me if you think that of me. I'm able to accept the fact that people arent perfect and like them for who they are. I can look past
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me: "so do your parents know about me now?"
you: "yeah they know"
me: "well are they just unapproving of the idea of us seeing each other or are they just dead set against it?"
you: "mmmm.....i'm not sure"
that was supposed to tell me we wouldn't work? it doesn't matter though. see the bad thing about it is that even though you say you knew we couldn't work, because of your parents, you kept leading me on for months. not in a way that meant we'd date, just basically playing with my feelings. one of the worst things you did was when you told me "i wanna kiss you again". you even told me to come to school on the first day so we could. that was quite recently too, about a month ago, and way after our little conversation up there. and even worse was when we actually did kiss again you acted like you didn't even want to, like you weren't the one who said you wanted to again. i mean...were you just trying to make that the worst kiss ever or what? what was that all about? cause you obviously weren't into it. so why did you even tell me that? if that's not leading someone on i don't know what is.
think whatever you want daniel. of me, of this situation...i really dont care anymore. i dont fucking care if every person that reads all this shit hates me. i really dont. fuck them, fuck all this bullshit, and fuck you.
Group hug!
*walks away slowly*
ever heard of "deadaim"? it logs all aim conversations for reference purposes. here's one i found you might wanna see:
biNXcaT5: i wanna kiss you again
morbidmumu: mmmm i wanna kiss you too
morbidmumu: i miss your lips
biNXcaT5: heh you remember them?
morbidmumu: yesss of course i do
morbidmumu: they felt very nice against mine :-)
biNXcaT5: i agree
morbidmumu: so we should....again
biNXcaT5: yes we should
biNXcaT5: soon
morbidmumu: mmhmmm
morbidmumu: i can't wait!
biNXcaT5: me either
morbidmumu: we are going to
morbidmumu: yayyy
biNXcaT5: :-D
morbidmumu: :-*
morbidmumu: mwah
morbidmumu: :-)
biNXcaT5: :-*
morbidmumu: that's just a sample
morbidmumu: hehe
biNXcaT5: such a tease
morbidmumu: i'm not teasing!
morbidmumu: we are going to!
biNXcaT5: yaaaay
morbidmumu: we will kiss for like 5 hours
morbidmumu: until our faces are numb
morbidmumu: :-)
biNXcaT5: and when will we do this?
morbidmumu: ummmm
morbidmumu: asap
morbidmumu: like tomorrow is good for me :-)
morbidmumu: hehe
biNXcaT5: lol i dunno whats going on tomorrow
morbidmumu: me either
biNXcaT5: maybe you should come to school lol
morbidmumu: but ummm soon
morbidmumu: yesss i should
morbidmumu: i'll visit mr. adams
biNXcaT5: then i wont have to worry about my parents
morbidmumu: and we'll kiss in the stairwell
morbidmumu: or the gym
morbidmumu: or just everywhere
morbidmumu: :-)
biNXcaT5: lol okie
biNXcaT5: maybe you should come to school ***lol***
i didnt say completely at fault, but i, as well, am tired of YOU making it out to be all MY fault.
im not lying about shit. i have no reason to waste time thinking up lies to tell you or anyone else. what the hell would be the point of that? i've got ANYTHING else to do.
so where did you find my journal? hanson community im guessing? :D
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