
Jan 07, 2011 11:38

The library should be fairly easy to tear down. I pulled off some of the paneling last night. It should go pretty quick. The tricky part will be the roof.

Unfortunately they trash company can't deliver a large dumpster until Monday.
I will have to buffer the rubble, it should not be too much of a problem, but I was looking forward to getting it done asap.

I found termites and rot, no shock there. But again it really increases my desire to build in "not wood".
I need to find a good local concrete / concrete block guy.

The Plan:

Friday Night (prep)
-Clear out the library
-Move everything out of the way for carry out the rubble.
-Clear a place to pile the ruble until we get a dumpster
-Start tearing up panneling

Saturday (full demo)
-Tear off all the paneling
-Tear off the roofing
-Take down the roof struts
-Take down the walls

Sunday (finish / cleanup)
-Finish any tear down
-Salvage any firewood
-clean up

-Load dumpster(s)
-get estimate for new garage doors

-new roof


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