Yesterday was a low key day.
I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. Then got up to do do stuff.
I just was not in the mood to deal with the driveway so I puttered a bit. I got the new DVD racks set up. I will need to re-organize the DVDs at some point but at least they are off the floor.
I picked at a hole in the old pool room drywall.
It was so brittle it just shattered and crumbled. I think because it repeatedly got wet then dried. The whole wall just sort of tore apart in my hands. :/
Next thing I know I am ripping the rotted paneling of the outside and cleared out a whole section. The actual support posts are in better shape than I would have expected. I will try to tear out the rest of that one wall tonight. Then chop and bag the old drywall and such. It will be much easier doing this over a few days and throwing out the trash over a couple of weeks than doing all the demo in one go.
The slab is setting up. It is hard enough to walk on. I am not sure how long to wait before putting serious weight on it. In this case moving the bar back onto it.
1 week? 2? *shrug*
I looked into renting a concrete grinder to even out the lumpy part.
Home Depot rents them but they only have two sizes, too big and too small.
A hand held one that would take forever and a HUGE one that I can't move. The big one would do it fast, but I am worried I would not be able to control it antiquity.
I will look around for another rental place.