April prompt #5: Fur. Remus Lupin. Rated G.

Apr 30, 2006 23:01

Title: Homecoming.
Character: Remus Lupin.
Warnings: None.
Pairings: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black.
Your character's fandom: Harry Potter.
Word count: 503 words.
Rating: G.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. They are the property of JK Rowling and her associated people.

Remus' hands shook as he spooned out tea leaves into his battered old teapot. He'd expected Sirius, had heard from Dumbledore that he was coming, had been waiting for him, in fact, but it was still a shock when he heard scratching at the door and opened it to find Padfoot on his doorstep. Padfoot's nails clicked on the wood of his floors until he got well inside the door, and then he was Sirius again, all vaguely embarrassed air and tentative smile in his filthy, tattered clothes and tangled hair. Saved the best for last he said with a weak laugh, and Remus' heart hurt at that and at the fact that no one Sirius had seen before had seen fit to give him a clean shirt.

Food, tea, a bed and a bath were offered all at once; food was first, so bacon and eggs it was, toast and tea as well, and Sirius ate like he'd never done so, making Remus' chest tight again. A bath was next, and Remus gathered some clean clothes and a towel, placing them on the closed lid of the toilet while Sirius stood in front of the bathroom cabinet and took off the lids of his deodorant and aftershave, holding them up to his nose. I recognise this one, he said softly, and Remus could only smile like he meant it and say that's me, a creature of habit, I'll see you in a bit, before he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Desperate times called for much more tea, and so it was that he was in his kitchen making a fresh pot with shaking hands while the noise of the running shower seeped down the hallway and into his kitchen. The tea was brewed and two cups were drunk and still the water ran; Remus tried his best not to worry, tried to assume that the lure of a long hot shower had been too much for Sirius, but after a third cup of tea the tension was too much for him. A tentative knock on the bathroom door and a call out to Sirius, just his name, softly first and then again louder brought no answer. Remus hesitated for just a second before stealing himself and opening the door.

Through clouds of steam and the shower curtain he could see that Sirius wasn't in the shower; Padfoot was, a dark, blurry shape against a stark white tile backdrop. Remus stepped towards the bath, looking round the curtain to see the dog sitting shaking, head bowed against the force of the water beating down on him. Remus said Sirius' name again, softly, but got no reaction, so he climbed in with him, not bothering to undress. He knelt down and wrapped his arms around the dog, gently pulling him closer and up against his chest. Padfoot kept on shaking, so Remus held him tight, eyes closed against the water, his fingers gently kneading through Padfoot's sodden fur.

hp: remus lupin

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