MLIS question

Jul 12, 2007 14:13

I've been seriously considering getting my MLIS but I have a few questions about choosing a program.  A little background in case it's relevant.  I currently work part time at a library as a Teen Services Associate.  I live in Cleveland, OH and the only MLIS program in the state is 50 mins away at Kent State.  I could commute but I would have to learn to drive first  :(


Do you think attending a more prestigious program makes a difference out in the work force be it job hunting or your quality of work on the job?

Has anyone here gotten there MLIS online?  Which program did you attend?  What was your experience like?

Do you think there is some key on-campus experience that cannot be replicated online?

Also, San Jose State's online program is insanely cheap, what's their reputation?

Thanks in advance!

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