Everything is packed. My room's been cleaned out of every single thing I think I could possibly need/want at college, and I know I'm forgetting something (Murphy's law states that I am). Everything fits into:
- 1 suitcase - all clothes, excluding sweaters to be mailed at a later date and...
- Six hangers - dresses and blouses
- Three boxes - sheets, towels, books, cups
- One under the bed drawer - toiletries
- 2 trash cans - misc
- 2 crates - hair things, more towels
Not to mention,
- 2 big boxes (monitor and computer)
- And, a DVD player
We leave tomorrow morning, tour DC on Friday, visit my grandmother Saturday & Sunday, then I move into my dorm room on Monday. Provided everything gets hooked up correctly, I'll be posting next from my dorm room at UMW (University of Mary Washington).
Wish me luck!