(no subject)

Aug 09, 2004 11:13

Saw this on chelle86 's journal and couldn't resist ^_^

There is something so very special about the sheer wide variety and randomness of the internet, no?

On another note

A while back, I picked the 'official' Buffy magazine. One of the articles were on pairings that never happened, and why the writers thought they should. Now, if I remember correctly, they were:

Glory/the Mayor - because she liked snakes and he was one, and they were both megalomaniacs. Personally, I think they were too into themselves for it to work. But it would have been funny - sort of society wife and career politician.

Riley/Faith - shared Buffy issues bring them together. I'd believe it. Except Riley will still be all 'oh! she's a Slayer and now my manliness is threatened by the fact she could kick my ass!'. And then we'd laugh when Faith did just that.

Tara/Xander - supposedly because they were the two nicest people. Tara, yes. Xander? I'm not sure he wins the nicest award with his ultimate grudge holding, tendency to judge others (I date demons, but Buffy can't 'cause they're EVIL), and the whole ditched his fiancee at the altar.

Buffy/Andrew - She'd think he's nonthreatening normal guy and he'd worship her. *shudders* This is a pairing not meant to be. Buffy/Xander would be better. Andrew..... I thought Buffy liked men. Or even women. Not sexual-orientation confused nerdy boys.

On the otherhand, I could see

Spike/Andrew - Everyone knows that's who Andrew really had the hots for. Not to mention, there's the blooming onion and Spike's own latent geekiness (William the Bloody Awful Poet, meet Andrew the Bloody Awful Nerd).


Giles/Drusilla - Huh. I've read a story with this pairing, and it oddly works. He can be all Rippery, and she'll love that, and she can do the prophecy thing, which Giles can spend happy hours researching.


Dawn/Connor - *blinks* You mean that didn't happen? They're perfect for each other! Plenty of parental issues, confused existences (hi, I'm either an ancient key or a teenager. well, I should be about three, but I got sucked into a hell dimension for seventeen years and came back a month later). And then there's the whole spawn of Buffy and Angel get to be together deal.

Thus endeth my post of randomness
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