Mar 22, 2006 19:06
how fucking embarrsed was i today? ]:
i was in english literature and we were reading death of a salesman, very quietly may i add, and my tummy started growling so bad and everyone could hear and were giggling, as it sounded like a fucking volcano errupting.
that's the third time this week it's happened and i need to make it stop. people are going to obviously think i'm starving my self if my tummy is growling all the time and i'm losing weight and i can't be arsed with hassle of teachers/friends asking questions.
but i refuse to eat anything to make it stop, as i'll just feel shit about myself all day. i have tried drinking diet coke before lessons but that didn't work. does anyone have any ideas on what i can do to make it stop? even if theres something i can eat which is really light and not stodgy? - i'm a walking contradiction!
this might sound really insignificant, but if it keeps happening it will prove to be a problem with people suspecting things.
on the up side of things, people are noticing that i am losing more weight [:
every day this week someone has complimented me on how i look! then again i had my over-sized "nicole richie" sunglasses on today and they make my face look slimmer but i can definitely tell i'm losing it. since i stopped eating bread way back my tummy has totally transformed- it's so much flatter and not bloated at all. i would recommend cutting out bread to anyone. it was so hard though as toast is like my favourite snack of all time! however, i would rather be thin.