A medley of news

Sep 27, 2007 15:30

The Senate has passed a resolution Jim Webb calls "Dick Cheney's fondest pipe dream" [YouTube link] because although it doesn't, it could be read as authorizing military action against Iran. I think he really meant "Dick Cheney's fondest wet dream," but didn't say it because he'd get in trouble. Also because it would give us all horrifying mental images.

Meanwhile, Bill Clinton has spanked the Republicans on the flaming hypocrisy of their MoveOn distraction ploy [YouTube link].

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These are the people that ran a television ad in Georgia with Max Cleland, who lost half his body in Vietnam, in the same ad with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. That’s what Republicans did. And the person that rode into the Senate on that ad was there voting to condemn the Democrats over the Petraeus ad.
[Transcript via C&L]

Yesterday I complimented David Shuster for kicking ass on this; well, the bar has just been raised.

Senator Larry Craig (R-deeply closeted) is not resigning. Fight the man in court, Larry! We're all behind you! Um.

El Downing Street Memo en Espanol? Seems in February 2003, Bush told Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar that he would attack Iraq, U.N. Resolution or no. Said he was ok with being bad cop to Tony Blair's good cop. Yeah, no. Tony Blair was the bad cop. You were the dirty cop.

More facts and speculation on that nuclear B-12 bomber "accidentally" moved across the country. Did someone risk a treason charge to leak the info, or was it a planned bit of saber-rattling? Because with all the safeguards that would have had to have been breached, calling it a mistake isn't credible.

Why is Bush pretending to care what's happening in Myanmar? Not sure, but those monks kick ass. In a nonviolent satyagraha sense, of course. (Also, it sounds like Bush's new poodle is French. Ooh la la.)

Back in August, I couldn't believe Dems caved on Bush's expanding (gutting) FISA bill. Turns out, he pulled the "ZOMG the ter'rists are planning to kill you!" card. With the emphasis on "you" - they passed along a threat to the Capital they knew was false. I don't know whom to be more disgusted with, really. The Bushies are absolutely shameless and without regard for decency or the law (but we knew that); Congressional Dems misplace their spines whenever someone says "boo!" (but we knew that).

Open Thread

democrats:bill clinton, youtube, open thread, scandals:dsm, democrats:jim webb, nuclear weapons, iran

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